What can WE do to make SFI more attractive to new affiliates (without relying on SFI management)?

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7246 votes
Russell Toews, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 7/14/2015 3:57 pm
Affiliate since: 02/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Russell's 68 other Ask SC answers
I firmly believe that the the most important thing we can do to make SFI attractive is to be attractive ourselves. I don't mean sprucing up or anything in the physical sense. Instead, I mean we have to continually display our better sides.

Aristotle said, "In the arena of human life, the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities." I suggest that what this means is if you can project your faith and devotion to SFI to your subordinate affiliates, that they
7231 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 7/14/2015 12:57 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
For starters, I think I'd understand your question better if it said "What can WE do to make SFI more attractive to new affiliates (without relying on our affiliates to make the best use of everything that SFI management offers them)?"

SFI management does an excellent job of providing SFI members with pages of easy-to-understand information, lessons, marketing aids, free ways to earn VersaPoints, and more, as well as helpful newsletters and notifications that arrive in our email
7181 votes
Tahirah AbuBakr, Aff (Indiana, US) Top Author Forum Guru 7/16/2015 11:32 pm
Affiliate since: 03/09/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
What can we do to make SFI more attractive to new affiliates ( without relying on SFI management)? I like this question because it is something that I have given a lot of thought to this. I 'ii begin with what attracts me about SFI the most. I am most attractive to SFI when I can read a life story of what brought someone to SFI. Telling ones story bring life, I feel like I am talking or listening to a real person just next door, they become alive in the telling. I am encouraged when there are clear
7059 votes
Bamidele Oluwole, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 7/16/2015 5:55 am
Affiliate since: 03/02/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Bamidele's 27 other Ask SC answers
Making any business attractive to prospective buyers depends a lot on the marketing and advertising skills or prowess of the business owner, so as the CEO of your SFI business, you need to develop a robust marketing and advertising skill first.

Secondly, the one who want to sell a product must be a user of that same product, so let the prospects see that you are using and benefiting from what you are advertising to them since this will in no small measure convince them.

7050 votes
Cornelius Adewale, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 7/14/2015 12:29 pm
Affiliate since: 11/23/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Cornelius's 63 other Ask SC answers

Great Question!

And there are just two (2) keywords that I will briefly use to answer you: Advertise and Promote.

You see, if you advertise your business well to the entire world, you will get unparalleled exposure in the short run. Eventually in the long run, these legions of exposures can make some of the people who see your adverts to patronize you.

Secondly, if you promote your website (if you have one), or your URL (if you're just an Affiliate
7011 votes
Edwin Aleman, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 7/21/2015 4:11 am
Affiliate since: 11/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Edwin's 6 other Ask SC answers
I would like to build my answer to this question from the phrase " to make SFI more attractive to new affiliates". This so because the text inside the parenthesis should not have been included. Why?

"Rely" means 2 ways according to the Oxford Dictionary:
1. "depend on with full trust or confidence"; and
2. "be dependent on".

Therefore, it is just practical that we rely on SFI's strategies on how to attract new affiliates.
6992 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 7/14/2015 2:22 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
What can we do to make SFI more attractive to new affiliates?

It comes to my mind to use your Custom Domain and point it towards the JMT

website. There they can see your title,years here and your accomplishments

by viewing your badges.

People like to follow successful people.

When advertising let the ad mention games,contests,3 up-line,numerous forums
for help 24/7.

Mention a few of the ways to earn money.No mandatory
6967 votes
Coleen Chadwick, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 7/14/2015 3:36 pm
Affiliate since: 06/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Coleen's 2 other Ask SC answers
Highlight the fact that they can sell their surplus items or unused presents or craftwork through their own website on the SFI site.

They do not have to pay to promote their goods. Once an item is sold, a percentage is taken out of their sales as commission.

They can also sell goods online if they already have a shop as an ECA.

All this can be done in the comfort of their home and without spending any money.

I think the affiliates can assess this
6879 votes
Rupak Das, Aff (China) Top Author Forum Guru 7/16/2015 2:32 am
Affiliate since: 11/17/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Rupak's 99 other Ask SC answers
I think this question is not so hard to give answer. As SFI is totally automatic. Every questions and answers are there on this website. 15 million members already joined here and number is growing day by day. It is enough to give an example of the strength of SFI. I think gift cards are the only solutions to attract new affiliates.
We are all here to earn money. If new affiliates do not get any immediate benefit from this SFI they will disappear after sign up. So we must hold them for long
6851 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 7/14/2015 12:09 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Given that many new affiliates tend to get a feeling of being overloaded with information, probably the best thing that we can do to make SFI more attractive to new affiliates is to organize our own learning processes into some sort of concise "training manual" for our new affiliates so that we know what information we need to pass on. Creating your own SFI journal or blog can provide insight on what you do in terms of marketing and promotion, and then you can edit it so that you have