What would you consider to be too much and unnecessary communication with your team?

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5252 votes
Branko Popovic, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/8/2013 3:01 am
Affiliate since: 08/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Branko's 19 other Ask SC answers
It's unnecesary explaining to them every single step
from very beginning, before they read SFI BASICS,
and before they do all LAUNCHPAD lessons.

After they have finished those, only then you should
start real sponsoring, and comuncation.

Of course, you should tell them about 200 VP's bonus,
if they earn 500 VP's at first2 hours at SFI, and help them achieve that.
After that,you should be there for them,
if they have any misunderstandings about
5249 votes
Moch. Arif Subarkah, Aff (Indonesia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/7/2013 1:08 pm
Affiliate since: 10/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Moch. Arif's 76 other Ask SC answers
Communication too much and doesn't need to be with our team are:

1. Push excess to make a purchase.
Push the overload to the affiliates to make purchases should be avoided.
In addition to this action is unethical, is also counter productive. Sometimes cause apathy from affiliates even sometimes attitude of antipathy.
We need to encourage the affiliates make a purchase but do not be too often.

2. Deliver the promise that too often.
Promises too much attitude,
5248 votes
Ch Ika Yulia Laksmiwati, Aff (Indonesia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/11/2013 7:48 am
Affiliate since: 03/06/2021, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ch Ika Yulia's 16 other Ask SC answers
We must consider in the communication:
1. Do not repeat the same thing (for example stream post or team mail send repeatedly ) the possibility of our downline become bored
2. Do not communicate something coercive, such as requiring to make a standing order to maintain their EA for personal gain without regard to the financial aspect of our downline.
3. Avoid communications that are not relevant to the SFI.
4. Do not communicate the contents of judging others
5244 votes
Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 11/13/2013 8:58 am
Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 411 | Read Francis's 105 other Ask SC answers
Hello Catherine,

In as much as it is important for you to communicate with your team, it is equally necessary not to forget that, it is not just how often but what you are communicating (your message) that is important. For example if you were to write to your team three times a week with the same information, that would be considered unnecessary – unless the affiliate asked for it. In that case, it would indicate the affiliate needs clarification or has questions on your first message.
5239 votes
Antonija Saric, Aff (Croatia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/12/2013 6:57 am
Affiliate since: 09/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Antonija's 19 other Ask SC answers
I would like to help you with your dubts with my answer, I'll try to be clear and short.

You should put yourself in shoes of your team, or in each PSA shoes. Let's take a look togother what I mean to tell.

Do not treat your team with messages and Team mails, or e-mails as you do not want your upline treats you.
So, communicate with your team as much as THEY want, BUT do not be boring or even worse do not sell them anything or persistent with words: "You
5224 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 11/11/2013 4:20 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999

It is individual for everyone, but when it comes to 'overcommunication' I tink it can be felt. It looks more like a monologue rather than conversation, and you are pretty much aware of that.
This usually happens with inactive, or occasionally active enough affiliates, in order to motivate them. But when you stop getting responds and feedback from them, it is normal to assume that you might be to oppressive. OR, they simply aren't interested enough, and then it has nothing to
5222 votes
Sajith Kumar, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 11/8/2013 5:45 am
Affiliate since: 08/09/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sajith's 12 other Ask SC answers
It is very good question.

In a simple word unnecessary communication will leads to negative impact.
Effective communication is necessary for success in modern life.
If the communication is not effective and like chit chat it will not reach to our goal.
Depends on communication we can grow up or down.
Here there are two types of communication - inbound communication and outbound communication.
If a person is successful in inbound communication they can success
5219 votes
Claudio Lodi, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/7/2013 9:54 pm
Affiliate since: 11/14/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Claudio's 32 other Ask SC answers
This question in similar ways has been asked before, and again I say, in business is there ever too much information? Unless your repeating yourself with the same or very similar messages, then, keep them short and to the point and those active affiliates will read them all. If it gets too long and repetitive, then they may not even read your messages. Keep it always interesting, offer incentives, so I don't think there is a "too much" or unnecessary communication.

A friend
5198 votes
Linda Hair, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 11/11/2013 11:49 am
Affiliate since: 09/25/2020, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Linda's 4 other Ask SC answers
That is a good question. You don't want to put yourself across as pushy or needy. I send out weekly and if I see movement, I am quick to send encouragement and extend my hand to help. When you get no responses at all even though you have put yourself out there , then its time to focus on what you can help your movers do and teach duplication. I look at their VP ledger and give them ways to accomplish their ledger. How this will give them # of VP by doing somethings that they may not be doing
5197 votes
JYOTI PRASAD ROY, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 11/14/2013 8:30 am
Affiliate since: 09/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read JYOTI PRASAD's 3 other Ask SC answers
This question are very suitable for forwarding and developing business.I will explain for my experience are when i receive emails and teammails all the time and its up to an individual,how to interpret and respond to the communique your personal way.
Sometimes pages and pages of information are distributed via medibooks,brochures,magazines etc..The question is how much information is absorbed? With SFI Basics,Launchpad and Start is self explanatory and this should not not be included