What yardstick should I use to give an unbiased and appropriate rating of my Sponsor each month?

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5602 votes
William Tozer, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 5/18/2015 5:47 pm
Affiliate since: 01/21/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read William's 32 other Ask SC answers
You should rate your sponsor and co-sponsor based on how they respond to you!
Did they send you a prompt greeting?
Do they acknowledge you accomplishments
Are they active in assisting you to find additional VP or earnings?
Do they answer your questions promptly but having taken the time to truly understand the question or challenge?
Do you get the sense that they are there for you?
Special advice, opportunities, deals and contests are what take a sponsor from being Good
5600 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 5/19/2015 11:54 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Excellent question to ask.

It may be helpful to consider the answer by using another question to guide your rating response:

How am I best served?

The answer to this question then can be used to rate the efforts of your up-line team, as well as, be used in the comments section each month when you rate.

Some comments that I have listed in response to "How am I best served?" is as follows:

Timeliness responses to questions I submit about
5596 votes
Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) Top Author Forum Guru 5/19/2015 11:50 pm
Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Michael's 18 other Ask SC answers
Oh you are going to love this.....

Use yourself as the yardstick. As an affiliate you know what you need what you are seeking. So I am sure you are making sure YOUR team is getting those things and supporting them in a manner that will make you an Awesome Sponsor. So therefore if your sponsor is not doing the things that you think your team needs, that is YOUR YARDSTICK.

Don't look for the Star Sponsor, BE the Star Sponsor and the heavens will follow.

I never expect
5590 votes
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) Top Author Forum Guru 5/18/2015 6:41 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222 | Read Masood's 97 other Ask SC answers
We are all affiliates here at SFI, some are old and experienced and most are new, including Sponsors and the Downline. We are all human. In my personal opinion, Rate your Sponsor with open heart even if he is not cooperative with you or even not active. Your good ratings each month will attract his attention and will create your respect in his heart.

Anyhow, if you like to rate according to a yardstick, I have some points as follows:

1. His welcome email to you with useful info,
5587 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 5/25/2015 2:25 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
First things first:
The sponsor is the person who personally referred the affiliate to SFI or whose advertising generated the affiliate's registration into the SFI affiliate program.

Now that you understand the first thing about your sponsor, you can appraise him or her as follows;

1. first Introduction: On the scale of 1 to 5. Show gratitude that this person introduced you to this wonderful opportunity. Thank him or her with a 5.

2. On-going support:
5580 votes
Maree Wells, Aff (New Zealand) Top Author Forum Guru 5/21/2015 9:37 pm
Affiliate since: 06/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Maree's 55 other Ask SC answers
Great question.
How I rate my sponsor.
1. Do I receive replies to my messages.
2. What support doe's he give me.
3. Doe's he communicate with me Via the Genealogy Tab Monthly with tips etc.
If yes to these three questions I rate him with a 5.
I am very lucky as I receive emails etc from my Diamond sponsor. I then share all his tips with my team. His support is how I achieve Platinum team leader monthly.

If your sponsor is not communicating. No stress just
5555 votes
Safuan Spurwi, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 5/25/2015 12:32 am
Affiliate since: 03/28/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Safuan's 6 other Ask SC answers
Sponsor or co-sponsor should earn the rating. So, the yardstick should be their own actions or inaction in helping/supporting or not the newbies. I don't hesitate to give 0 rating (if its possible) if the sponsor is not helpful and do not answer my chat msg. So to speak, sponsor should not get more than 2 stars rating if all that they do are merely sending the emails so that they can earn 30 VP every week.

The most crucial stage is when an affiliate just joined SFI and that is the time
5541 votes
Russell Toews, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 5/18/2015 5:55 pm
Affiliate since: 02/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Russell's 68 other Ask SC answers
I'm sorry but in this my answer will have to be negative because by whatever yardstick i could use, my sponsor is a hopeless case. She has the appropriate buzzwords like 'team' and 'duplication' on her leadership pages and she has 'I'm here to help' sprinkled here and there but I suppose she got a hand from her sponsor in setting those up (they share the same family name so I assume they are related). However, those are all just hollow words because there certainly is no teamwork, encouragement,
5539 votes
Sunildatt Limaye, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 5/18/2015 7:17 pm
Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sunildatt's 150 other Ask SC answers
Hi Olusola,

Do you want to read good opinion first or the bad opinion?

Good opinion first- If you are doing good in SFI rate your sponsor 5 stars
Why : Because it was he/ she who sponsored you at that point of time to SFI when you had not heard about SFI. Always give credits to others for your success.

Bad opinion: If you are not doing good in SFI rate your sponsor 5 stars.
Why? Because your business is your business. Did you have a deal with the sponsor
5530 votes
Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 5/19/2015 10:36 am
Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sameer's 74 other Ask SC answers
Hi Olisola

When Alexander came to India and defeated the king of india Porus, he asked Porus “How you want to be treated by me?” The king of India Porus said,”You treat me as one king should treat the other king”. That means you rate your sponsor/cosponsor as you would like to be rated by your down line.

Frankly speaking there is no Yard Stick laid down in SFI for rating your sponsor. It all depends upon you. You may rate him 0-3 if he never contacted you. Never answered