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If you were asked what you love about SFI, what would you say?

6564 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 4/26/2015 8:17 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
I would have to start with the opportunity to help others change their lives.

When you can take such an amazing opportunity like SFI and share it with others you are changing lives. People here are able to replace or even surpass their present income and start living the life they have always dreamed about.

For some people it may be more money. For others they may already have the money but want more time freedom. It seems in today's world you either have to much time and

Can I be successful in SFI without investing any money? And if so, how?

6273 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 4/22/2015 7:58 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999

My honest answer to your question is: "No, you can't".

Is it possible TECHNICALLY, maybe, but is it REALISTICALLY possible, no.

This business is built by leading as an EXAMPLE. If you try to do things the short or easy way, then that is what you will duplicate. Example is how can you tell your team to make a Standing Oder to secure their 1500 VP a month when they look at your profile and see you don't have a SO Badge. How can you advise them to use

How to go about setting up local meetings or seminars to recruit PSAs and PRMs?

5895 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 5/29/2015 1:44 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
To me in this day and time we are all living a fast paced life. Most people will quickly tell you they do not have time to come to a meeting or seminar. So trying to get people to your meetings would be discouraging and disappointing not just for you but you guest when most do not show and they are the only one sitting there.

This does not mean that you should not hold a meeting or a seminar. How you are going to want to do it is use some of the meeting programs out here. One of my favorites

How do I get my affiliates to understand the amazing opportunity offered by SFI?

5824 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 5/19/2015 7:16 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
This is an awesome topic and one that most people fail with. If you want an active PSA or even CSA it starts from the beginning. They have to have that belief or they will not last.

So how do you get them to understand or believe?

Two BIG words: WHY and HOW (in that order!!!)

You see you could explain all the amazing things about SFI, the tools, the different ways to make money, the products on TripleClicks, the Pricebenders auctions, everything, BUT, that may not

For new affiliates without any marketing experience, what are the best ways to start marketing?

5768 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 5/29/2015 2:20 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Good question!!!!

I have learned over the years in this industry that Marketing and Sharing an opportunity with others is VERY hard for some folks. They are so scared of one of the smallest words in any language and that word is "NO".

So guess what? Gery has kindly taken care of that and will even reward you to help them. It is called a "Co-Op"

Gery and his staff have in place a way for you to set up and co-op for your team and allow them to benefit

I want to do local training for my affiliates. How do I get them to come to my training sessions?

5745 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 5/29/2015 2:00 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
This questions ring a familiar answer to another one already on here about holding meetings and seminars.

I would do that same thing as for that one and not try to get them to my home. I would use something like Skype or my favorite GoToMeeting and hold an online webinar so that they can attend from the comforts of their own home.

Also as you learn and get comfortable with this you can also train your affiliates that are not close enough to attend a meeting in your home.


How do I get my affiliates to understand the importance of grabbing the DAILY Action VP available to them?

5728 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 5/29/2015 2:12 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
One of the ways I have been able to make that come across is to put it simple. I use a little stories to break it down. Here is one of them.

Ask them if they have ever played cards. Most everyone has played some type of card game at some time in their life. When they say yes I ask them "If you were to drop the deck while you were shuffling them and all the cards fell on the floor, would you pick up all of them or just some of them to play the game?"

You see they all

I feel my welcome message to PSAa is stale. How can I freshen it up? Sample welcome letters appreciated.

5686 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 5/20/2015 12:13 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
If it is stale, throw it out!

There is no one letter that will do for everyone. This being a global business people will be coming here for different reasons and different determinations. In place of a message constipated with welcome lets get you off to a fast start here is what you need to do the first week. Be kind, be gentle. Introduce yourself and tell them why YOU are here. Tell them what you like to do and don't do. Not with SFI but in life in general. Ask them a few questions about

What yardstick should I use to give an unbiased and appropriate rating of my Sponsor each month?

5596 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 5/19/2015 11:50 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Oh you are going to love this.....

Use yourself as the yardstick. As an affiliate you know what you need what you are seeking. So I am sure you are making sure YOUR team is getting those things and supporting them in a manner that will make you an Awesome Sponsor. So therefore if your sponsor is not doing the things that you think your team needs, that is YOUR YARDSTICK.

Don't look for the Star Sponsor, BE the Star Sponsor and the heavens will follow.

I never expect

How important is it to read the latest SFI news...and how does this apply to building your business?

5556 votes

Michael Spell, Aff (Florida, US) 5/11/2015 10:10 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Oh my, SFI news is to us like Facebook is to most people. That is where we go to find out the latest and greatest. I don't like finding something out by chance or trial and error. With SFI News they will tell us what has changed or what is new and you are the first to know.

If you are building a team and trying to be a leader, then I am sure you would like to know what is new before someone in your team presents you with a question and you have to say,"Let me check on that and get