How can I best utilize my monthly Standing Order of TCredits?

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5363 votes
Marco Bartiromo, Aff (Italy) Top Author Forum Guru 6/23/2014 3:09 pm
Affiliate since: 04/17/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Marco's 33 other Ask SC answers
Allow me to answer your question because it is the same one that I asked myself when I started with my Standing Order. At first, I was just a reason to make sure 1500 VP monthly, and maintain the rank of EA2, then I decided to use my TC with auctions, participating relentlessly. Each TC used makes me earn 5 MRP, and after having accumulated can reuse them to buy other TC. It is a ride that allows me to earn even more VP, and therefore very productive.
5361 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 6/19/2014 8:36 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I saw many great answers here, but in my opinion it is best to bid at double MRP auction, because you can get up to 1250 MRP, and with that you could buy more T-credits (126 MRP each, which would give you sale VP (102 VP each)...
The other option is save it, and second month buy S-builder with T-credits (160 T-credits)...

5347 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 6/22/2014 11:25 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
You can make a standing order which has a value of 1500 VP. This can be either product or TCredit (can be 100 or 125 TC). In Tripleclicks most of the products verification done on VP, MRP or TC. Then they will give the product Standing Order Qualification If it is not TCredit. Anyhow in bottom line is you to have earned 1500 VP then get your EA status while enjoying the “Executive Pool” benefits.

If you can get 01 TCredit equal to 102 VP but the problem of this could be less Tcredit
5347 votes
Stephanie Haggarty, Aff (Ontario, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 6/19/2014 5:29 pm
Affiliate since: 04/21/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Stephanie's 12 other Ask SC answers
I think the best way to utilize your monthly Standing Order of TCredits is to bid or pick the price of items that will return you double "MRP" points. This will give you the ability of purchasing something at a later date in which you can review for another 25 versa points. Alternatively, you can use these points as an incentive to your downline by way of awarding the maximum of 10 in a contest.
5346 votes
Florent POUELY, Aff (Madagascar) Top Author Forum Guru 6/26/2014 12:16 pm
Affiliate since: 04/07/2021, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Florent's 17 other Ask SC answers
The best way to use my monthly Standing Order of TCredits are playing more games in Eager Zebra ,entering in more auctions.In these,not only I play ,I can win prizes and I increase my VersaPoints actions and Member Rewards Points or MRPs. I can purchase all items at TripleClicks but before to do it, I know how many TCredits I need to make this operation.I recommend to you to use Standing Order of TCredits to improve your business at SFI.You obtain easily your Executive Affiliate statut with 125
5331 votes
Marijana Dragicevic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) Top Author Forum Guru 6/22/2014 1:54 pm
Affiliate since: 12/29/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Marijana's 8 other Ask SC answers
You have Standing Order 125 Tcredits that bring to you 1500 vp monthly...
The best way to spend this Zcredits are auctions in my opiniion.. On that way you have chance to buy some product with really low price and also to earn MRP that can use for buying on TripleClick.. But, also, you can spend these Tcredits in games like TimeMachine, Download Music... or give to your affilitaes...
5303 votes
CHRISTINE FONTAINE, Aff (France) Top Author Forum Guru 6/23/2014 2:38 pm
Affiliate since: 04/14/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read CHRISTINE's 1 other Ask SC answers
I'm not long with SFI but I think the best use we can do with TCredits under a standing order is to participate in pricebender auction. By doing so reasonable and reflects, we can win other TCrédits, but also new PSA affiliated, units S-Builder, one or more domain names and various things that would please us but often very expensive for a price very affordable, and of course the VersaPoints points to our monthly goals.
5298 votes
Ronald Corlette, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) Top Author Forum Guru 6/21/2014 1:34 pm
Affiliate since: 12/24/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronald's 71 other Ask SC answers
Hi,Richard,certainly having a Standing Order of TCredits is very good,as a subsiquent TrippleClicks products should be your focus,Auction Bid wisely,if you are a sponsor you can also reward your good workers with some of it,but the fact remains Richard , it is how best you manage it,TCredits are use as i said for TrippleClicks and Rewards to your downline .you may get into the Auction and gain points in this way you will always gain either by winnings or MRP,but remember how best depends on your
5283 votes
Vickie Minchew, Aff (Arkansas, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/24/2014 7:02 am
Affiliate since: 04/17/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Vickie's 11 other Ask SC answers
I have been struggling with this myself...So far I have found that bidding on auctions with Double MRP's has been the best for me. The Action Points im sure is what your after Action Points mean Tcredits... so I try to turn my Tcredits into Double MRP's so I can buy more Tcredits with my MRPs and maybe win an auction by chance.

5278 votes
Great Osung-Ulagha, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 6/23/2014 7:04 am
Affiliate since: 06/06/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Great's 27 other Ask SC answers
I believe its best to invest in double MRPs auctions for CSAs. The more CSAs you have, the greater the chances of success. The MRPs generated from the auctions can then be reinvested to purchase more Tcredits thereby earning more sales Points which will increase the number of versa points earned that month.

I am not a game addict so i don't really recommend the games but i sure do recommend the auctions.