How do I get the maximum benefits of being an SFI affiliate?

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3568 votes
Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 4/30/2014 6:40 am
Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8 | Read Scott's 63 other Ask SC answers
The maximum benefits are derived from recruiting prospects into the program, and developing them into Team Leaders.

We are all here to make money, and the most money you can earn is from the TripleClicks Executive Pool and matching VP.

40% of all commissions paid out by SFI go to this pool; the only way to share in this pool of money is to be an EA2 rank.

However, to receive the maximum benefits, you need to be a Team Leader yourself and develop a team of PSA's who
3563 votes
George McBride, Aff (New hampshire, US) Top Author Forum Guru 5/8/2014 3:50 am
Affiliate since: 09/26/2012, Power Rank: 648 | Read George's 87 other Ask SC answers
The Maximum benefit will be when he follows you.

Ask yourself, "Do I want five affiliates doing just what I am doing?" Because that is what we usually get. There are exceptions where an affiliate makes it on their own no matter what, but in 90% of the cases Affiliates will do nothing. In 9 % they will try to follow your lead and in 1% you and I will be learning from them.

A friend once asked me, "If you worked for you would you fire you?" ;-)

3562 votes
Predrag Martinović, Aff (Croatia) Top Author Forum Guru 5/2/2014 11:24 pm
Affiliate since: 02/21/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Predrag's 1 other Ask SC answers

For me this is the most important ways; every day edit your to-do list, include your weekly and monthly tasks. Also keep track of the daily news which gives us SFI. Personally , after three months of my work I still go back to the Launchpad lessons that we have received from the company and always find something useful that I overlooked in previous readings.

By placing an order SO min. 1500VP has multiple beneficial for the development of your business, activity in the
3555 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 4/30/2014 4:19 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Maximum benefit is decided by your monthly goals.

If your goal for the month is to increase your downline membership then you will want to focus your time, energy and resources to achieving this goal by purchasing services or creating a service that will help you get this.

Other maximizing tasks are to set up a Standing Order when able to do so. The SO helps you achieve EA status each month and assists you to participate in the Matching VP Pool program that SFI has to offer.

3553 votes
Glenn Snyder, Aff (Quebec, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 4/29/2014 1:49 pm
Affiliate since: 12/30/2012, Power Rank: 137 | Read Glenn's 14 other Ask SC answers
What a great question, it pushes me and all of us to compose our words carefully.
We could have started earning income from day 1 if we knew what to do right away.
So teach others what you know, about getting started, the Launchpad and the VP Ledger.
But don't forget about the ECA program, where you can earn commission from your sales.
So combine both "Streams of Income", by building a Team of Team Leaders within SFI, and also building a Team of ECAs, and certainly become
3550 votes
Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) Top Author Forum Guru 5/2/2014 8:04 pm
Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Pheone's 44 other Ask SC answers
In order to get the maximum benefits of being an SFI affiliate you need to make use of all the tools which SFI has made available. You need to log in everyday and do the actions on your to-do-list. You also need to ensure that you do all your weekly and monthly tasks.

You also need to ensure that you read, review and put the launchpad lessons into action

Duplication is also another way in which you can get maximum benefits. Teach you team how to be successful, then they will
3546 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 5/3/2014 11:13 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Here is how I get maximum benefits! At the first of each month I have a Standing Order of 100 Tcredits for 29.00 and I get 1 S-Builder Co-Op. That gives me my 1500 vps automatically so I get my EA Status! I login daily and do my daily, weekly and monthly task on my red tabs. I want to grab all the free VPs I can get so I can advance my Status Higher! Now I take my Tcredits and bid on Items and play both games Eager Zebra and Guess the price on auctions. I do this to get my action vps. This is how
3539 votes
Venkiteswaran C subramanian, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 5/3/2014 9:15 am
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Venkiteswaran's 12 other Ask SC answers
To derive maximum benefits from being S F I affiliate the first thing one has to realize is that your SFI Affiliation is just the beginning and a mere stepping stone from where you have to travel many miles.

The very fact that you are an SFI Affiliate itself brings you many benefits without any cost to us. You are exposed to one of the best web site with access to information /methods, procedures and feed backs which will take you a long way to make you perfect. Just
3538 votes
David Bell, Aff (California, US) Top Author Forum Guru 5/7/2014 5:08 am
Affiliate since: 06/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read David's 10 other Ask SC answers
If you or anyone else for that matter wants to get the maximum benefits being an SFI affiliate, you would first have to make the decision that this is what you want, and that you will not be happy with anything less. Now, I'm not talking about saying you've made the decision; I'm saying you need to internalize your decision deep down inside. Most people will say, "I'll try this" or even "yeah, ok...I'll do this business". Unfortunately, this type of commitment isn't a commitment
3529 votes
Derek Barrington, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 4/29/2014 3:05 pm
Affiliate since: 02/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Derek's 210 other Ask SC answers
To get the maximum benefits from being an SFI affiliate you need to copy what your upline is doing and then get your affiliates to do the same. There are manty ways of earning an income with SFI snd while I don't advocate you doing them all straight away, there is no valid reason why you can't.

I suppose I am a little cautious and want to know what I am doing and how I am going to do it before I introduce it to others.

To gain the maximum benefits you are going to need to advance