Since SFI has been around for many years, is the playing field fair for someone who have just started in SFI like me?

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3750 votes
Lesley Miller, Aff (Spain) Top Author Forum Guru 3/18/2014 2:11 am
Affiliate since: 08/09/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Lesley's 11 other Ask SC answers
The wonderful thing about SFI is that although everyone can attain different levels, we all have exactly the same chance to prosper. The 'rules' are the same for us all, including starting each calendar month at zero, and building up from there. In addition, it is one of the friendliest business models I have found to date.

SFI is constantly evolving and providing additional resources, ideas and areas for development of your business. These resources are intended to support long term Affiliates
3750 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 3/18/2014 4:20 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes SFI has been in business for a long time. This is a sign of a secure company and it is very good to let your affiliates realize this. It is to their advantage to work with a company that has a track record of excellence.

As for a level playing field, I would say that there has never been a better time than now to be involved with SFI. It is a world wide company and the possibilities for growth and of finding business minded individuals is very great. The internet makes it possible
3739 votes
Kenneth Gilliams, Aff (North carolina, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/18/2014 12:16 pm
Affiliate since: 02/15/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kenneth's 2 other Ask SC answers
I have not been active in SFI for a real long time, but what I have found is that by it's very structure SFI is extremely fair. There is no limit on how high in the organization you can reach, or the number of high level positions. It is all merit based. If you have the requirements to make Platinum Level Team Leader, then you're a PTL. You don't have to worry about who likes you or office politics or who deserves or doesn't deserve what. My experience with SFI members showed them to be very
3738 votes
Forex Preacher, Aff (Texas, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/19/2014 6:59 pm
Affiliate since: 05/24/2017, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Forex's 136 other Ask SC answers
You are very correct about SFI being around for many years. I am so glad that this company has been around, it proves that it is a very well organized entity and that it has staying power.

As for the company being able to make the playing field level for everyone...

I formerly believed that those who started before me had an advantage and I thought it was unfair. Then as time continued on, I realized that it wasn't that anyone had an advantage over me, but that everyone is the
3737 votes
Ronelle Tharp, Aff (Florida, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/17/2014 7:08 pm
Affiliate since: 10/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronelle's 268 other Ask SC answers
That is why E365 Challenge is available. You can compete with all the other affiliates who joined the same day you did. THAT is a level playing field.

Not all of the older SFI members got active, or successfully so, right from the gate, so not all members are miles ahead of those of us who are newer. Even so, when you look at the Power Rank Leaderboard, check out the "All Affiliates" and "Country" tabs as well as your class. You can see what CAN be done if you put
3736 votes
Ramanujabhattar Korkondabhattar, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 3/20/2014 1:07 pm
Affiliate since: 10/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ramanujabhattar's 21 other Ask SC answers
SFI is one company which gives equal opportunity to all. It has many points which supports this. All the Versapoints we get lapse after 180days.This one point makes all equal. Permanent points are those we get in GETTING STARTED ACTIONS,LAUNCHPAD and INTERMEDIATE ACTIONS .Rest all vanish after 180days.So even a PTL has to continue to work and get VPs alongwith NEW affiliates or else will become an AFFILIATE. A beautiful level playing one.
Another important one is limiting the SALES POINTS.We
3729 votes
Leon McKee, Aff (Idaho, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/19/2014 11:23 am
Affiliate since: 06/29/2000, Power Rank: 1 | Read Leon's 55 other Ask SC answers
For the sake of clarity there's going to be two parts to this answer. The first part will cover "your" potential involvement in SFI and the second part will cover SFI's business opportunity potential in the international market place.

Part 1

SFI, as a company, places significant value on it's opportunity being an equal opportunity for all involved. No matter what an Affiliate's ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs or political position may be they'll be welcomed to
3728 votes
Oluwasegun Odusola, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 3/18/2014 1:39 am
Affiliate since: 08/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Oluwasegun's 61 other Ask SC answers
Your questions have answered its self. SFI has been around for many years has answer your question. If SFI is not a fair business then it won't stand up till now, if SFI is not legit then it won't stand up till now, if SFI is not profitable hackers will not attack it.

Take a look at the auction, they create first winning, junior for people like you who just starting. Is this not fairness? They don't allow us to win more then 4 items in a week in other to give room to others, is this
3718 votes
Luis Fernandez, Aff (Spain) Top Author Forum Guru 3/20/2014 6:05 am
Affiliate since: 11/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Luis's 22 other Ask SC answers
The success at SFI lays on the amount of sales linked to each member and his downline. So, the number of active people on your downline will drive you to your goals.

A new member has no downline at all, and at first, he/she needs enough time to learn and read everything until begin to start it. So, this could be seem unfair because old members have created their downlines and their position is by far, better than newbies.

Although, every member form part of a team, with his
3713 votes
Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 3/21/2014 5:56 am
Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ashley's 58 other Ask SC answers
YES! Absolutely!

Despite the amount of time SFI has been around and despite how many affiliates there are, it doesn't mean that all of those affiliates work hard at it or are even active at all.

I worked very hard in my first few months and was ranked above some people who had been with SFI for many years.

Ive seen a handful of people who started within the last year who are now in the top ranks for their class, country and power rank.

It doesnt matter