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What is the best way to attract new artists to the monthly Tripleclicks Music contest?

7910 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 3/13/2014 5:48 am

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Facebook Groups!

Any aspiring artist will be trying to get as much exposure as possible so think of good keywords and search through the facebook groups, there will be a lot there.

the great thing about targeting those types of customers is that they will be desperate to get in touch with anyone who can help them reach a larger audience.

Also, just type into google 'unsigned artists' and loo for forums were you can put an advert.

What is the most effective promotion/incentive you have offered your downline to become (or requalify as) an EA?

6529 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 9/16/2013 4:17 am

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Interesting question. I think if you can inspire them to be ACTIVE then that is the key. If they are active then they are far more likely to be engaged and competitive and want to prosper.
Offer TCredit prizes for things like most daily VP etc.

Alternatively offer 20+TCredits for anyone who starts a Standing Order this week/month!

On your Genealogy mailer, make your whole team aware of the benefits of a Standing Order, as it is the BEST type of 'Safety Net' in the business!!!

What is the best way to build a TEAM--with true team spirit--in SFI?

6196 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 8/27/2013 12:19 pm

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Involvement and Encouragement!

Whatever an affiliate has achieved, congratulate them!
List the names of your team-members on a genealogy mail and tell them to add each other on a2a, to create a community where they can interract with each other.
A little bit of healthy competition will develop amongst them and they will spur each other on. Thats been my experience.
Supporting them will reward you time and again so go for it!

What advice would you give to an SFI affiliate who wants to create and maintain their own SFI website?

6188 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 10/15/2013 6:19 am

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Keep it current!

Embed links to upcoming auctions and recent news alerts. There's nothing worse than a website that you can tell isnt being updated., you just don't bother looking at it!

They will receive 100 Action VP for putting an SFI banner on it as well!

Make sure there are lots of good user guides to working different aspects of SFI. Also you can upload some instructional videos etc.

Blog blog blog on their own experience with SFI.


How can you keep your downline from quitting and giving up on SFI?

6092 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 10/15/2013 8:54 am

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
BIG question!

Id say its a case of 'Different Strokes for different folks!'

You HAVE to find out what motivates them and make sure they understand how they can tailor SFI to meet THEIR strengths.

You also have to accept that this wont be right for everybody. The person who wants to sit back and make a million for not doing much is NEVER going to be a good team-member. They have to be realistic.

The key is communication. You will be able to weed out who's

I want to start a newsletter for my team of affiliates. Which topics should I focus on?

5967 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 11/25/2013 1:26 pm

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
1) Duplication - the key to leveraging your efforts and building your business, explain about co-ops and maybe start your own.

2) ECA Program - good ways to recruit companies into Triple Clicks, try and offer some case studies.

3) Pricebenders - top tips for winning at auction.

4) Gateway Promotion - list good advertising sites that your team can promote their SFI and TC Gateways.

Good luck!

How can I further engage my SFI affiliates on social media sites like Facebook?

5836 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 9/16/2013 4:00 am

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Start your own SFI/TC Support page and send a group mail to ALL your team, with the title, 'Please LIKE my page!'. Tell them to use it as another way to contact you if its more convenient for them.

Competitions! Start an incentive to win T-credits and post once or twice a day on your status.

Also, post auction times and some recent winners as your FB update!

How can we reassure our downline to continue their activity with SFI after the recent cyber-attack?

5790 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 3/4/2014 5:44 am

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Great question. Cyber attacks generally only happen on BIG sites with high data and money flow. SFI was targeted because it is a BIG business. This should be reassuring if nothing else. Carson Services will go out of their way to protect this and it serves them to make sure that every failsafe is in place.
I had a few team members go inactive after the attacks which is HUGELY frustrating I know but I also know that SFI is 100 times safer than it was a few weeks ago because Carson services simply

Would it be beneficial to create separate forums and do web seminars about SFI in languages other than English?

5674 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 3/4/2014 5:58 am

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Great idea. The language barrier is so often an issue and one of the main reasons that people lose interest. Anything we can do to make sure that people stay motivated and have clear communication with their team and upline is a good idea!
I think more should be made of this type of argument generally in SFI, I had two Indian PSA's who I re-assigned to another Indian PSA because I know that they can communicate with each other more efficiently than I can. It works! Simple as that.
We need

What are the best FREE methods for attracting and sponsoring new affiliates?

5580 votes

Ashley Nicholls, Aff (United Kingdom) 4/4/2014 4:26 am

Affiliate since: 05/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
1) Talk to who you know - Youd be surprised how many people you already know who would be open to more income. Also any students or people you know with part-time work. Lets be honest, SFI doesnt take much time each day; you just have to keep it up!

2) FACEBOOK - I got three of my best PSA's through advertising my gateway link on various Facebook 'work from home' groups (there are literally thousands!)

3)Craigslist + Gumtree - These are good and free sites, I have had some success