Ordinarily, once you login to your homepage and earn as little as 1 VersaPoint per day you will appear on your sponsor's movers tab.
However, if you earn considerable VersaPoints or may be the highest among other active affiliates that your sponsor has. You will appear at the top of his or her movers tab.
Obviously, your sponsor will notice you and if you are active the chances are that your sponsor will find you online and may be chat with you.
All these will depend if you have an active sponsor.
Ordinarily, once you login to your homepage and earn as little as 1 VersaPoint per day you will appear on your sponsor's movers tab.
However, if you earn considerable VersaPoints or may be the highest among other active affiliates that your sponsor has. You will appear at the top of his or her movers tab.
Obviously, your sponsor will notice you and if you are active the chances are that your sponsor will find you online and may be chat with you.