I think thwt both are very good . That is in my opinion , Referring people to triple click will give you your needed points to move on.. However, I believe that the world could have been a dead place if there was no power of duplication. Man, plants lower lives, all duplicates. That is the beauty of nature .So , sponsoring will help to bring more people to do the same thing you are doing. You alone can push but not too far. Tripleclick will feed you fat and heathy, but sponsoring will keep you continuously up the ladder . I prefer to do both , but with greater emphasis on sponsoring affiliates who will come and sponsor othe affiliates. More over, it is much easier to get affiliates initially.
I think thwt both are very good . That is in my opinion , Referring people to triple click will give you your needed points to move on.. However, I believe that the world could have been a dead place if there was no power of duplication. Man, plants lower lives, all duplicates. That is the beauty of nature .So , sponsoring will help to bring more people to do the same thing you are doing. You alone can push but not too far. Tripleclick will feed you fat and heathy, but sponsoring will keep ...more