When faced with negativity in promoting SFI, how do you respond and what path do you take moving forward?

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3332 votes
Sretenka Corak, Aff (Croatia) Top Author Forum Guru 8/19/2013 5:00 am
Affiliate since: 07/03/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would tell them that this is the fairest job in the world. Why? Because SFI really rewards those who work seriously, but do not punish those who are not capable of. There is no boss to bothering you every day, let's say you work in a normal store orders have to suffer from all the bosses, you can get fired for anything, you have to stack goods tolerate frustration and arrogance customers. Here it does not. Work when you want and how you want, and of course, earn just as much as you put your work,
3332 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2013 2:20 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello this is a good quastion! Because we all here had faced with some negativity in promoting.
1. You can respond with some short answer and some good short quastion. Then that negativity you will put in your advantage.
2. You can block that person and delete his negativ comment, but that we can do only on facebook or somethinh like like that.
3. This is simple. You refused his negativ comment and you go forward, but is more good if you give them some simple answer: “you think
3332 votes
Ljilja Susnjar, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2013 2:21 am
Affiliate since: 05/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ljilja's 10 other Ask SC answers
Always in life, even in SFI work when confronted with the negative comments I do not take them seriously. I turned into a joke and do not try to prove to anyone that he was wrong

My attitude is that everyone is entitled to his view, and everyone has the right to freely express their attitude.

If that's his opinion of me is OK, do not try to impose your opinion as the only right.

Not every job for everyone
3322 votes
Ramesh Sawant, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2013 4:40 am
Affiliate since: 06/11/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
I always remind myself SFI is a business and not a job or hobby. Yes I do agree everyone faces negativity in promoting SFI. Our 95 % PSA`s do not participate and they leave. Many beleive this is a quick rich scheme and gets frustrated. But I realized while reading answers in ASK SC forum that it is problem of everyone.So its always better to read Launch Pad and various forums time to time. I am sure this will help to remove negative factors from you.
3313 votes
John Opolot, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 8/19/2013 3:23 pm
Affiliate since: 06/11/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read John's 22 other Ask SC answers
The negativity one encounters is not necessarily a bad thing. Personally I use to leverage my next move for the more negativity I receive the more persistent I become. I recommend any one faced with negativity to do the same. Negativity is not bad as such. What is bad bad and damaging is the way we react to it.

Try the simple strategy I decided a few years ago which has helped me a great deal as a salesperson: For every negative reaction I experience, I resolved to make 5 more attempts
3311 votes
Samuel Mamu Barnabas Terlumun, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 8/21/2013 11:12 am
Affiliate since: 05/25/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
The reason for negativity is fear and ignorance. You must be a people lover to move far in any business. This negativity is not towards you but an alien in the person which he is yet at grips with. You must persist to make him see. Give shorter educations at best one liners at the beginning, build it up line by line and precept by precept. Sometimes we desire to get a commitment here and now and it doesn't work for all. It's just like that. Pull him with knowledge. Be upbeat: it's for you but I
3310 votes
Riza Versoza, Aff (Saudi Arabia) Top Author Forum Guru 8/14/2013 7:53 am
Affiliate since: 05/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Riza's 33 other Ask SC answers
Hi Cyndi,

This I can advice for those facing negative by promoting SFI, In the first place we
are company, And might this SFI never heared to them or first time they heared. Expect the unexpected. We are dealing with people that we don't know nor they don't know us. Always anticipate that may this people will not accept you, maybe they done like our product or to be a member.Especially this time everywhere has so called scam.

Rule of success # 18 Your attitude determines
3299 votes
Esther Ling, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 8/21/2013 1:05 am
Affiliate since: 03/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Esther's 5 other Ask SC answers
I would not worry about it. They will have their reasons to disagree and the right to do so. Everyone is different. I would answer with something like "I am sorry it did not work out for you. But I love it. You can always come back to it if you change your mind." And then drop the subject and chose someone else to move forward with.
3296 votes
Hans Duchardt, Aff (Florida, US) Top Author Forum Guru 8/18/2013 6:32 am
Affiliate since: 04/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Hans's 37 other Ask SC answers
Hi -

the answer should be simple:
"Shake it off and move on- and forward"

If, and I'm sure you are, convinced that SFI is as good as anyone
wants it to be, just keep on moving and do not let this hinder
or bother you in any way.

Show your confidence in yourself and the program and the
"doubting Thomas" will eventually believe!

3251 votes
Amandeep Singh, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 8/20/2013 11:50 am
Affiliate since: 06/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Amandeep's 24 other Ask SC answers
First of all let me explain the basics how our brain works

The brain has two halves, with one on either side of the head. Scientists think that the right half helps you think about abstract things like music, colors, and shapes. The left half is said to be more analytical, helping you with math and logic. Scientists do know for sure that the right half of the brain controls the left side of your body, and the left half controls the right side.

These two halves