What is a good goal to shoot for in SFI this year?
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
No one person can tell you what YOUR goals should be. You must choose them for yourself. I suggest setting goals which are just a little bit more than you can believe in for yourself. Rethink your goals monthly as you see the results of you efforts coming in. And set dates for your goals. It is difficult to understand but I have found that there seems to be a thing called "intention". What You INTEND is what you get. Check out Wayne Dyers talk about the "Power of Intention". Look on YouTube for Wayne Dyers comments.
No one person can tell you what YOUR goals should be. You must choose them for yourself. I suggest setting goals which are just a little bit more than you can believe in for yourself. Rethink your goals monthly as you see the results of you efforts coming in. And set dates for your goals. It is difficult to understand but I have found that there seems to be a thing called "intention". What You INTEND is what you get. Check out Wayne Dyers talk about the "Power of Intention".
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
My GOAL for 2013:
1. "Get" all the rules and policies of SFI right.
2. "Observe" all the rules and policies of SFI in the course of doing business.
3. "Acquire" all the knowledge provided by the affiliate members to excel.
4. "Liaise" with all your Team members to create a strong successful teamwork.
GOAL = G - Get, O - Observe, A - Acquire and L - liaise.
Set a reasonable budget. Decide which income avenue(s) to use and stick with it. Get as many new PSAs as you can and help them duplicate your strategies.
Get out of debt. Start by paying 4% at the end of January (if that is realistic. And increase your debt reduction by increasing your payments an additional 4% each month.Determing the monthly requirement to eliminate all debt in one one year. Be debt free by Dec 31, 2013. Determing that you can accomplish this realistic increasing goal, by increasing SFI income or some other source. Use your imagination to increase income. It will encourage you to compete in SFI. Be #1 at the end of the year.
Get out of debt. Start by paying 4% at the end of January (if that is realistic. And increase your debt reduction by increasing your payments an additional 4% each month.Determing the monthly requirement to eliminate all debt in one one year. Be debt free by Dec 31, 2013. Determing that you can accomplish this realistic increasing goal, by increasing SFI income or some other source. Use your imagination to increase income. It will encourage you to compete in SFI. Be #1 at the end of the year.
Affiliate since: 01/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Seeing that I've just come on board my goals are:
1. learn as much about SFI
2. be a great team player
3. aim to help my team to be at the top
For all the other teams,best wishes to you for this year.
Affiliate since: 01/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Great question! For me, a good goal for this year is to find new places/ways to advertise my SFI business, and as time goes by I'll do more of what works and less of what doesn't. I am also going to refer TripleClicks members (PRMs) as much as possible using the TripleClicks Gift Cards.
Affiliate since: 01/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
It has been assumed that Africa hasn't come to a technological development yet. And as we all know 'You know what's inside the box when you open it.' My goal is to make SFI a tool to show my country and continent that accepting change and bringing in the modern technology can help our deteriorating economies and improve our dependency rate by decreasing it. With this the world can be complete just through SFI.
Affiliate since: 02/19/2009, Power Rank: 371
The first goal should be to become Executive Affiliate (EA) as quickly as possible. This is the springboard to all of the other benefits waiting for you at SFI. Become EA, show others how to become EA, teach then how to teach others.
Try to buy Tc mostly and buy IAHBE
Affiliate since: 01/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Setting goals and objectives are of the utmost importance in running a business. Make sure your goals are SMART.
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely
Whether you are generating Tripleclicks income, ECAs, additional affiliates, be specific. Your goal may be to add three ECAs this quarter and three affiliates. Are your goals measurable? Are your goals attainable? Are your goals realistic and are they timely?