Has anyone found an effective way to promote SFI or TripleClicks on Pinterest?

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9 votes
George McBride, Aff (New hampshire, US) Top Author Forum Guru 12/9/2012 5:53 am
Affiliate since: 09/26/2012, Power Rank: 637 | Read George's 87 other Ask SC answers
Here is a document I have available for my affiliates to Download. On the download page you will see some ads for SFI. I am sure you can ignore them. I am not after your contact info either. You can just click, "Click Here To Download Your Gift". I use this in conjunction with a capture page, but you can skip the page. The Link is here.


If you DL it please Like my answer here. Cause that is my answer!
5 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/8/2012 6:00 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I don't have an answer for your question, however, i do have a word of caution for all those with Pinterest. I spent hours pouring over stuff from TC and uploaded it on Pinterest and was waiting for days for to see the phenemoneal response flow through. But sadly, I did not have even one tiny hit. I was wondering why, so I went back and checked out my links and lo and behold! while they were still on my board the links had all been hijacked and were now in another SFI affiliates name, some Kay B.
5 votes
Shiva Kumar, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 12/7/2012 1:18 am
Affiliate since: 11/07/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Shiva's 22 other Ask SC answers
Pinterest is just like Twitter, the only difference is you communicate through pictures. It seems to be more popular among women and hence might be very good for promoting Triple click products and auctions. I am doing this and will post my experience in future.
4 votes
Kevin Carey, Aff (Wisconsin, US) Top Author Forum Guru 12/6/2012 6:13 am
Affiliate since: 06/18/2008, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kevin's 17 other Ask SC answers
I made a Pin Board for Sale Items and post the Daily Sale Items From TripleClicks. I Get Intrest every day. A very easy procedure to to!
4 votes
Zorica Savic, Aff (Serbia) Forum Guru 12/6/2012 12:21 pm
Affiliate since: 11/05/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Pinterest is easiest way to advertising your work or favorite pins. It's very simple to do that. Just make sure that you are regular on Pinterest almost every day!
3 votes
Zachary Toto, Aff (Ohio, US) Forum Guru 12/9/2012 5:48 am
Affiliate since: 08/09/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Zachary's 11 other Ask SC answers
Pinterest is about photos right? Well, why do you create photos of people enjoying what they can get from SFI/TripleClicks and tag them with your URL. For example, want to convey the message that SFI will help you earn enough cash to enjoy a vacation? Create a photo of someone lounging on the beach and tag the photo with your URL. Of course, you will need approval for such photos from SFI.

Also look into something called "Infographs" and use those. Remember to get approval from
3 votes
Jan Docherty, Aff (Ontario, CA) Forum Guru 12/11/2012 1:08 pm
Affiliate since: 12/06/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Pinterest still remains something of a mystery, as to what they will allow and what they won't. My advice is to stick to the methods provided here until you are really comfortable with it and earning money, and then branch out if you wish.
2 votes
Trevor Pascoe, Aff (British columbia, CA) Forum Guru 12/9/2012 10:39 am
Affiliate since: 04/19/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi there, I have a blog set up that I advertise on and post banners and SFI and Triple Clicks pictures on. Then I just hit my pin it button and it shows all the pics and banners from my blog to pick from. Its working very well. Hope this helps you out. Thanks Trevor J Pascoe
1 votes
Barbara Holmes, Aff (California, US) Top Author Forum Guru 12/14/2012 6:28 am
Affiliate since: 04/18/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Barbara's 13 other Ask SC answers
I was checking out Pinterest and they have a business section that you can use for SFI products and so forth. Do it is something to definitely to check out.
1 votes
, () Forum Guru 12/6/2012 4:45 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999

Thank you for such Excellent question.
After seeing this question i am pretty sure many person will go for sign up of Pinterest. It's very new source to do advertise and sharing information by medium of images.
Even i have joined it 1 day ago only but i will give you some tips for effecting advertise of SFI and Tripleclicks on it.

Pinterest 99% is of Images and words with number of categories.
Try to make awesome image to promote SFI. You can use grandiloquent