How can you revive affiliates that have become inactive...and get them active again?

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9688 votes
Ken Hermonat, Aff (Michigan, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2016 11:58 am
Affiliate since: 12/25/2001, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ken's 60 other Ask SC answers
Doing things to revive inactive affiliates is an important activity. Just as in advertising, inspiring inactive affiliates to return to SFi and begin building their business is about numbers. On a regular basis, it is a good idea to send team mail to inactive affiliates.

What will inspire an inactive affiliate to become active? There are certainly different things that will get the attention of someone inactive. In general, your successful message will be providing a solution to an important
9653 votes
Kazim Akhtar, Aff (Pakistan) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2016 1:13 am
Affiliate since: 07/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
1-send them group mail every week.
2-Tell them about SF1 business benefits.
3-Test the control group from profile selection to messaging and communication components ?
4-Ensure email correspondence contains a strong, memorable subject line to create engagement.
5-Play with the creative to ensure relevant content hits lapsed customers (e.g. “Free”).
6-Make any communications interactive and easy for the affiliates to do something, whether that is visiting the website,
9648 votes
Gopakumar Rajan, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 3/7/2016 2:17 am
Affiliate since: 09/21/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Gopakumar's 35 other Ask SC answers
I usually send them the following email and if they read it, there is a chance that they will respond. If not, I will not be discouraged. They will remain a part of my team till the system purge their account.

Here is the email message:

Dear ~FIRSTNAME~, greetings!

Good day to you! I hope you are doing fine. Today, I wish to share some thoughts with you ~FIRSTNAME~. Frankly speaking, I am a bit sad and emotional about people like you!

Did you know that
9626 votes
Shankar Chakraborti, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2016 5:23 am
Affiliate since: 08/24/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Shankar's 32 other Ask SC answers
Dear John,

Best way to revive affiliates that have become inactive...and get them active again is to send them individual emails highlighting new happenings and initiatives being taken by SFI. Since inactive affiliates were in past active and you want to revive them you may send email through either your personal email or using eCards through SFI mail system.

But for those inactive affiliates who have never logged after joining SFI and became inactive from very first day, you
9585 votes
Zulfikar Reshid, Aff (Hungary) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2016 9:49 am
Affiliate since: 12/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Zulfikar's 41 other Ask SC answers
Good question. Maintaining an active affiliate base is the key to the success of your SFI program. When the affiliates are inactive, I think the problem lies in communication. So here is a few of my tips.

First, have a good "welcome letter". When your affiliates sign up, give them some pertinent information, like what they can expect from you and a little more about how SFI and your team works. This, I think, will make them feel really involved right from the start.

9572 votes
Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2016 10:55 am
Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355 | Read Francis's 105 other Ask SC answers
You are not alone in this! Inactive Affiliates are slowly outnumbering Active Ones!

I think one approach in awakening sleeping affiliates is to ensure that you keep communicating with them even if you do not get a response. Because they are inactive, it means that they do not log in but as long as they have an email address any message you send through SFI will still reach them.

People become inactive for many reasons and it is not possible as a sponsor to know all but
9565 votes
Emilio Poljak, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 3/2/2016 1:33 pm
Affiliate since: 02/03/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Emilio's 29 other Ask SC answers
If you’ve found yourself in a position where your affiliate programme only has a handful of active players, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Every programme in the world has at least some dormant partners, although granted some suffer more than others. Perhaps there hasn’t been enough time or resource dedicated to your affiliate channel in recent months, or maybe affiliates have been slowly dropping off and you haven’t been able to pinpoint the reason why. Either way, it’s never too
9556 votes
Darla Phillips, Aff (Missouri, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/7/2016 7:21 am
Affiliate since: 07/16/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Darla's 53 other Ask SC answers
You can send emails and offer a $2 gift certificate as a token to try to wake them up. If they do not then you get the $2 gift certificate back in your funds. Remember:
Some will, Some won't, Next!

I also try to send email in their own language to see if this may help. Sometimes it does but not always.
9472 votes
Vivian Butler, Aff (California, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/2/2016 8:40 pm
Affiliate since: 07/18/2015, Power Rank: 595 | Read Vivian's 15 other Ask SC answers
Enticement. Reviving affiliates that have become inactive puts a team leader in a position to create messages to send to the inactive affiliate in an effort to persuade them to log into SFI and become active.

SFI is exciting and constantly striving for success. People join SFI just to see what it is like and decide SFI is not for them. Some people join SFI and forget about it, until they receive something from SFI which perks their curiosity and causes them to log in check it out. Become
9314 votes
Jenny Bolin, Aff (South carolina, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2016 6:41 pm
Affiliate since: 03/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Jenny's 112 other Ask SC answers
Thank you for this very timely question. I am sure that most affiliates ask themselves this question. I have been using my genealogy to see which affiliates are nearing the drop date because of inactivity. I then send them a message to let them know of all the great changes in SFI and ask them if they would at least check out the changes before they are dropped.
Many of my PSAS sign up and never log in again. I think that this is a common problem. I think that if their sponsor can