What do you say to your affiliates who are disappointed about being knocked out of the E365 competition?

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5557 votes
Osaro Odiase, Aff (Ireland) Top Author Forum Guru 7/12/2015 2:54 pm
Affiliate since: 08/29/2023, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Osaro's 206 other Ask SC answers
The E365 competition is good because it has the potential to keep you up to speed with those affiliates in your class in particular and in some cases, in your SFI business in general. As you progress in the competition you earn valuable VP and when you ultimately win the title you receive a plaque for distinguishing yourself and a cool badge which are important recruitment and duplication tools. Also, as a winner, you will be qualified to participate in the Finalist Draw for a period of time.

5464 votes
Ufuomaoghene Afekhuai, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 7/10/2015 5:36 pm
Affiliate since: 07/08/2018, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ufuomaoghene's 238 other Ask SC answers
Good day Williams,

Nice question. In this regards, new affiliates that join my team, i send a mail telling them about the E365 contest and that their aim is to stay above the green line.

Honestly, new affiliates initially are not aware and do not reach fast track where 250 versa points is bonus when they record a score of 500 vp within the first 24 hours. Some log on for the first day and thereafter, log in anytime they want at the same time, loosing alot of benefits. That
5444 votes
James Noik, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 7/7/2015 6:42 pm
Affiliate since: 06/27/2013, Power Rank: 141 | Read James's 127 other Ask SC answers
First, I have to tell them the requirements to stay on with the challenges and the needs to stay above the green line by earning higher vps than the other affiliates in the same class at any particular time when the contest is on. Understand the criteria that should be met to stay on.

Management and monitoring of daily vps are important to know their positions in the contest and be able to take immediate actions to rectify any shortfalls.

Tell them that they have to go through
5425 votes
Elizabeth Freites, Aff (New york, US) Top Author Forum Guru 7/12/2015 1:04 am
Affiliate since: 12/06/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Elizabeth's 190 other Ask SC answers
Motivational videos on YouTube come in handy when an affiliate feels sad in general not just for being knocked out of 365 but any bad experience in failing an achievement or not reaching the desired goal.

When I first signed up for SFI my first disappointment was not being able to achieve fast track in 2012 but guess what two years later in 2014 I log into my affiliate center I felt a pleasant surprise when I saw my Silver Fast Track badge with the airplane next to it. Then I read the
5419 votes
Russell Toews, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 7/5/2015 2:55 pm
Affiliate since: 02/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Russell's 68 other Ask SC answers
Hi William;

Today I'm a Platinum Team Leader, a Gold Fast Track member and I'm currently 2nd in my class as an E365 qualifier. But believe it or not, I got knocked out in the first round.

For the first week after joining I didn't do anything with SFI. I didn't even check in until I had already missed the first week's cut. I was upset but then I saw the E365 second chance program!



5385 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 7/10/2015 2:33 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Before you do anything - make sure they also missed their 2nd chance to get back in the competition.

You have to understand that it is disappointing and can be discouraging. Acknowledge that and do not ignore it. DO NOT tell them to build a bridge and get over it, it will not do any good. Their disappointment shows their commitment.

Do not have sympathy with them because sympathy sends a message that they've shot themselves in the foot and that it is the worst possible thing
5354 votes
Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 7/9/2015 4:19 pm
Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88 | Read Gliceria's 402 other Ask SC answers
I have missed being in E365 competition when I started for many reasons. Thinking back, it would have been nice to have participated and won the Class Champion, as it is one nice Badge to have and an accomplishment that should give pride to every SFI Affiliate.

So I can empathise the feeling of disappointment if my affiliates have been knocked out of the E-365 competition.

There's good news for them though! There is a Second Chance Program that they can avail of.

5301 votes
Maria Derly Siyambio, Aff (United Arab Emirates) Top Author Forum Guru 7/10/2015 1:29 pm
Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Maria Derly's 31 other Ask SC answers
Hello William,

For me, I will still congratulate my affiliate that was knocked-out from the E365 competition Why, because for me, he is still a WINNER.

Let us remember the number of new-sign ups everyday, reaching the last day of their class competition means he has done a great job knowing that NOT all of his classmate are still active with SFI.

I will also tell him that it is acceptable to be disappointment but remind him the real Winners / Champions are the one
5298 votes
Beverly Wallin, Aff (British columbia, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 7/5/2015 7:22 pm
Affiliate since: 07/24/2012, Power Rank: 552 | Read Beverly's 79 other Ask SC answers
If you or one of your affiliates has been knocked out of the E365 competition, encourage them to become a Team Leader. This affiliate will then be re-instated into this competition.

Encourage all your new affiliates to watch their green line. Let them know that they will automatically be entered when they log in daily. If they don't log in one day, their name will not be entered that day. Also let them know that there are 6 deadlines, the 6th being the final round.

There is
5277 votes
Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 7/6/2015 11:29 am
Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sameer's 74 other Ask SC answers
Hello William

Good question ! Answer is very simple. When one gate closes, the other opens. Why should one get disappointed. Disappointment is not going to solve any problem. Tell them to find out alternative methods to succeed in SFI. There are 10, 000 ways to earn in SFI.

Also, like in a marathon, everybody runs for a trophy, but there are limited number of trophies. All cannot be declared winners. Only the top ten ot top three are to be given prizes as per Rules of E365 competition.
