Where are the best places and what are the best ways to get answers about SFI?
I always go to the SOURCE first – that’s SFI. I want the official facts about my query, so I want to know what SFI says about it first. So, I do the following: -
1. I always start with the Glossary: - Go to
The glossary gives a very brief definition, usually just a sentence or two. This is really good because it gives you the correct definition. It is well worth remembering these, so that you fully understand them and don’t get confused. And the Glossary usually also refers you to another page for more details.
For example, suppose you wish to learn more about the team-building bonus program “Bid & Build” (a good choice currently as the details have recently changed). Go to
for a concise definition. And then go to the detail page that you are referred to: -
Be sure to study these details carefully. You should find everything you need to know about the topic here.
For instance in the above “Bid & Build” example two major changes have been made in version 2 of this program which effect how you need to play the game to maximize the benefits. (I think the increased limit of 4 PSA’s per auction is a great idea but I’m not so sure that the restriction that you must make your 50 bids in the one auction is an improvement over the previous rule where you could earn your 50 bids over multiple auctions and multiple days. I’ll be writing more about this later in the Forum.)
I find the Glossary very useful. In fact in preparing an ASK SC answer I would probably refer to the Glossary a number of times (just as I am doing here).
The second thing I use the Glossary for is to check whether an answer submitted by an affiliate to an ASK SC question or a Forum post is actually correct. You have to be very careful before you rely on a ASK SC answer or a Forum post because it is only another affiliate’s opinion or understanding – it is not the official answer.
2. My SFI Homepage is the second place I go to look for answers about SFI. Go to: -
Yes, this is the page that opens first every time you login to SFI. And usually the ALERT Tab is the page displayed. This tab is AWESOME! On this page SFI lists everything they consider is important to bring to my attention TODAY. For instance it lists the following: -
The SHARE-ITS that I can post on various social media sites. These are aids to my advertising.
My VERSAPOINTS total for the month so far - so that I don’t miss my targets for rank and commissions for the month.
LATEST NEWS: This lists the latest news from the SFI News website: - A complete list of SFI News may be found at: -
Note: I also receive the latest NEWS in my email – so I don’t even have to login to SFI to receive this. (SFI does everything it can to keep us up to date with what is happening at SFI.)
I really recommend that you find the time to read, study and understand the latest news items on the day they first appear as these may really impact on your business and SFI often rewards the “early bird” in such ways as a new badge or other reward.
3. The twelve RED or GREY TABS across the top of my SFI Homepage are the next place I visit to keep up to date with SFI. It is under these tabs that SFI points us to the most important things we need to do to keep “on top” of our SFI business on a DAILY basis.
These are extremely important because by carefully attending to these we can also gain over 20% of the VersaPoints (VP) we need to attain the rank of Executive Director (EA) each month. I give these TABS my top priority.
4. The next place I visit is my MESSAGE tab, which is next to my photo. Go to
Here SFI sends me current notifications and reminders – everything I need to know about and respond to on a daily basis. Think about your Messages as your SFI COACH.
5. TripleClicks is the next place to visit each day: - go to
It contains everything you need to know about TripleClicks. Remember this is the source of all our income. We should always to searching for new “transfer purchase” products, products and ECAs that we can market, new deals that we can benefit from, Pricebender Auctions that we can participate in and market, games we can play, music we can enjoy, and WAVE3 membership benefits we can market. We should also be looking for new products and ECAs that we can introduce to TripleClicks, thus making it even better. Really with TripleClicks as a source of information we are only limited by our imaginations!
6. The SFI website is HUGE! To make it easier for us to find the information we want SFI has conveniently grouped information under twelve relevant tabs (white writing on black background) across the top of our SFI Homepage. These are: - Home, Hot Spots, Income, Marketing, Reference, Training, Power Tools, Leaders, Miscellaneous, Support, My Account and TripleClicks Tabs. It will pay us dividends if we familiarize ourselves with these links.
I also think you shouldn’t do any of the following without first checking the above sources of information: -
1. Ask your sponsor, co-sponsor or other up-line.
2. Submit a question to the Forum.
3. Submit a question to Support.
The reason I say this is because each of us should be responsible adults and not lazy. SFI has spent thousands of man-hours and dollars and gathered information from experience and research over 16 years in preparing the SFI websites. They contain SFI’s considered “best” information. We dismiss it lightly at our own peril!
AND it is in our own best interest to get to know the SFI websites intimately. They are a gold mine and we are never going to “make it” if we are too lazy to “dig” for the gold.
AND we can’t rely on others to “spoon” feed us. That is not what an entrepreneur/businessman does.
AND we should want to represent ourselves to our sponsor, co-sponsor and up-line as serious, intelligent, hardworking and committed SFI businessmen and women – not someone looking for a “handout”. So do your homework first. Then they will be only too willing to supplement your knowledge and guide you.
Your question is actually huge, so for an ASK SC answer I have only given a short summary of some of the most important things. I hope you find it helpful.
Thank you and God bless.