When do I know that I've become successful in SFI and TripleClicks?

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4703 votes
Charles McCormick, Aff (Thailand) Top Author Forum Guru 9/21/2014 12:04 am
Affiliate since: 07/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Charles's 66 other Ask SC answers
You know when you are successful in SFI and TripleClicks when:

1) Your business is exploding even without your input
2) You have active downline contacting you constantly about the business
3) You are as excited today as the first day you entered the business
4) You know you are an awesome coach and sponsor
5) You are not afraid to show this business to anybody
6) Strangers hear about you and come asking about the business
7) You can't wait to get up each
4655 votes
Sunildatt Limaye, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 9/20/2014 7:20 pm
Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sunildatt's 150 other Ask SC answers
Hello Ash,

Success can mean: feeling that tingle of excitement about what you do, sticking with what matters through hard times, living a life you can feel proud of in retrospect

Now co-relate this meaning of success with your present BEING. Although success can mean different for different individuals, most of us can agree with above meaning.

While joining SFI you might be having some expectations, ambitions and you must have made plans. You must have filled your
4644 votes
Cherry Thorpe, Aff (Jamaica) Top Author Forum Guru 9/22/2014 9:23 pm
Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Cherry's 41 other Ask SC answers
You will know that you are successful in SFI and TripleClicks when the following starts happening:
*Your badges starts increasing.
* You win Eager Zebra games.
*Your commission starts increasing.
*You receive your Payoneer card.
* Your status increases, ie you are moving from affiliate to EA to BTL etc.
*Your downline members are working and increasing in status too.
*Your downline is growing through your successful recruiting.
*You are making sales from your
4635 votes
Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 9/20/2014 1:31 am
Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88 | Read Gliceria's 402 other Ask SC answers
Success in SFI and TripleClicks can be broken down as per the monthly goals you set yourself.

Obviously, your No. 1 goal is a long term goal, as with all of us, who joined SFI to become wealthy, to improve our standard of living, etc. which can't be answered now. So, let's talk about your monthly goals.

For September: (for example)

To sponsor New 5 PSA, did you sponsor 5? Yes?
To help/support 2 PSA EA2 - you helped 2, Yes?
To have 3 new PRMs- did you get
4608 votes
Osaro Odiase, Aff (Ireland) Top Author Forum Guru 9/19/2014 5:32 pm
Affiliate since: 08/29/2023, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Osaro's 206 other Ask SC answers
It is important to mention that success is relative to various individuals depending on your criteria of measuring success. Some measure success when their ego and pride are on full display, while others measure it in terms of monetary gains.

Those that seek ego and pride have many badges to show and therefore satisfied that they stand out even if they do not gain financially, they feel accomplished and therefore successful, but proud and broke.

Those who measure success in
4593 votes
Chiandrakumari Vijayan, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 9/17/2014 4:37 pm
Affiliate since: 02/14/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Chiandrakumari's 39 other Ask SC answers
Hello Ash Masaeed

When do I know that I've become successful in SFI and TripleClicks?

This is a great Question and my answer would be :-

You know for sure that you have become successful in SFI and TripleClicks when you are contented with your commission report and monthly earnings. SFI is one program that allows you to set your goals and work towards achieving them.

You have to succeed in duplicating and make sure you support and motivate your down
4592 votes
Robertson Dsilva, Aff (Singapore) Top Author Forum Guru 9/23/2014 12:43 am
Affiliate since: 05/05/2004, Power Rank: 177 | Read Robertson's 212 other Ask SC answers
Earning a three, four or five figure income at SFI is surely considered success at SFI. However, success at SFI begins by showing commitment, thinking long term and being results orientated. Half the battle is won if you have the above qualities.

Doing little things each day such as, reading a marketing method, or marketing aid or placing a free classified ad is a success point.

If you have made a commission for the month, that itself is a success.

If you have built
4558 votes
Jessa & Jerry Verbo-Cook, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 9/18/2014 4:32 am
Affiliate since: 05/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Jessa & Jerry's 25 other Ask SC answers
Being "successful" in SFI means different things to different people. Some people will claim to be successful when they have reached a certain level of income each month. That could mean $50.00 per month for a person living in or near in poverty while for someone else that could mean $5000.00 per month.
Achieving all of the goals one person sets for themselves each month while for others, achieving only 1 or 2 of those "goals" would be success.
For some people,
4557 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/24/2014 12:22 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
You need to start from the questions that you will ask yourself - What is it success? What is the measure of success?

Most people measure success in business according to their income; however this may not be an accurate assessment. If your business efforts provide a substantial monetary reward but you don’t enjoy what you do, can this really be called success?

Knowing what you expect from your business in advance gives you a way to measure success and to gauge your progress.

4550 votes
Joseph Morni, Aff (Brunei Darussalam) Top Author Forum Guru 9/25/2014 12:33 am
Affiliate since: 07/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Joseph's 53 other Ask SC answers
“You recognize when you have picked up your commission from SFI steadily, freedom income, a pure profit with USD$1,000 OR more than USD$1,000 monthly without having a problems”.

With the above speech meaning to articulate that you are already having a many active downline which is fruitful to you.

You become successful in SFI when you have;
1. 5 active PSAs, which is Platinum all the way or more than that.
2. 100 active PSAs, which is EA2 all the way or more