What should new affiliates NOT do in their first month?

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3683 votes
Janette West, Aff (Zimbabwe) Top Author Forum Guru 5/9/2014 1:16 am
Affiliate since: 12/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Janette's 24 other Ask SC answers
I believe that a new affiliate in their first month:

1. Should NOT rush through the Launch Pad Lessons
Take the time to read one lesson a day, and ensure that you understand it and put it
into practice straight away.

2. Should NOT rush through the Intermediate Lessons
Also with these keep for the second month, as they are very essential in making it
through and giving you the advise that you need and you may forget them easily.

3681 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 5/9/2014 2:31 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Natasa,

There are many things which new affiliates do not in their first month, some of them:

1. They should not skip even one day in solving daily tasks and weekly tasks and to achieve their 6 rounds to complete first month and get the free MRP (Members Reward Points) and VP (Versa Points).

2. They should not be lazy to read and learn this job.
There are lots of materials to learn, because all the material is going to assist them to achieve their goal.

3671 votes
Kelvin Murimi, Aff (Kenya) Top Author Forum Guru 5/8/2014 4:16 pm
Affiliate since: 02/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kelvin's 4 other Ask SC answers
New affiliates ;

1. Should not try to overload themselves with information about SFI business. There is alot of information and training, as a new affiliate you should try incoporate it bit by bit and make use of what you've learned insteading of trying to get everything and finally you get lost and end up doing nothing.

2. Should not give up. Patience is a key to the success of this business.

3. Should not just be money-minded but focus on building a business. SFI
3666 votes
Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) Top Author Forum Guru 5/9/2014 3:51 am
Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Andrew's 330 other Ask SC answers
There are a number of things that can hurt you going forward in your first month but the ones I am going to list here are vital mistakes.

Expect overnight riches. This is the biggest failure the 98% of inactive affiliates and opt outs have made is to set unrealistic expectations of how much they will earn and how soon they will earn it. This is a real business and the income is product based and developing a system that is sales focused and gets results can take time.

3661 votes
Velma Prince, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 5/8/2014 3:30 pm
Affiliate since: 05/16/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Velma's 12 other Ask SC answers
It is usual to hear "What should new affiliates DO in their first month", but not the other way around -"NOT DO".

I think that affiliates SHOULD NOT just browse through the launchpad lessons without reading them properly. I made that mistake and missed a lot of important information that could have given me the knowledge to move forward in the right direction.
Reading those lessons from day 1 gives you a good foundation to build your SFI business.

3641 votes
Deborah Blades, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) Top Author Forum Guru 5/9/2014 5:57 am
Affiliate since: 03/08/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Deborah's 2 other Ask SC answers
Good question.

As we start a project,venture etc., online or off, there is a tendency, by some, to get excited or even 'carried away' with wild expectations about what we can accomplish. There may be great anticipation.On the other hand there are those who may have doubts and misgivings.As a result there could be wrong action, or inaction.

New affiliates should therefore take the following guidelines.

* Do not set unrealistic goals; goals must be attainable, while
3636 votes
Robertson Dsilva, Aff (Singapore) Top Author Forum Guru 5/10/2014 10:11 pm
Affiliate since: 05/05/2004, Power Rank: 177 | Read Robertson's 212 other Ask SC answers
New affiliates have every opportunity to be successful in their SFI business. However, new affiliates should not do the following in their first month:

There are plenty of valuable resources at SFI. However, new affiliates should only focus on three areas in their first month namely “START”, “SFI BASICS” and “LAUNCHPAD”. These three core areas will suffice to give new affiliates a good start.

3625 votes
Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 5/8/2014 11:45 am
Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88 | Read Gliceria's 402 other Ask SC answers
Your question is a funny yet interesting one! What should new affiliates NOT do in their first month?

There are many DON'Ts that new affiliates should NOT do, such as:

. Procrastinate. To do or not to do, is not the question, but when to do it. Many new affiliates upon joining SFI will take a quick look at their homepage and when confronted by how much reading and learning they have to do in order to understand SFI, will just logged off and put the thought aside for another
3619 votes
Sule Yesufu, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 5/8/2014 2:23 pm
Affiliate since: 01/14/2013, Power Rank: 534 | Read Sule's 287 other Ask SC answers
This is a rather very tough question. I believe all affiliates do have their own separate stories to tell. From my experience in SFI, all I ever came across is what I should be doing to succeed in the business. I can not recall if anyone ever told me what I should NOT do in my first month. But with the benefit of my little experience so far, I believe there are things I did which I should not have done particularly in the first month of joining SFI.

Here are some of the things I can recall
3614 votes
Caroline Fraser, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 5/8/2014 5:10 pm
Affiliate since: 03/16/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Caroline's 111 other Ask SC answers
I don't believe new affiliates should become team leaders in their first month.
Really the only way you could achieve team leader in the first month is by doing all the Getting Started Actions, Launchpad, and Intermediate Actions in one go. That is very do-able because I did it and became a BTL very fast.

But it did me no good at all. I had no team to lead or get matching VP from, and I couldn't maintain that status without spending a fair bit at TripleClicks. Eventually I had to