1. The SFI has a chat link, where you can immediately contact your sponsor
2. If you sponsor is not currenlty involved in SFI link, Go to My Account, and then to my Upline,
There is a set of your up line.
3. The list on my upline have data as follows:
- Name Yers sponsors
- Email address
- Leadership page
all this is the link https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/upline
4. On the same link, and you have, Your complete Upline Support Team (sorted by level, level
closest to you at the top). You may contact any and am sure that will help.
1. The SFI has a chat link, where you can immediately contact your sponsor
2. If you sponsor is not currenlty involved in SFI link, Go to My Account, and then to my Upline,
There is a set of your up line.
3. The list on my upline have data as follows:
- Name Yers sponsors
- Email address
- Leadership page
all this is the link https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/upline
4. On the same link, and you have, Your ...more