Personal website or blog is just a tool to find affiliates and in some extent use also as a tool for duplication. BUT honestly, it does not guarantee success.
There are three important success factors that we should concentrate on, and I would like to share how website or blog can be used as tools to accomplish them.
1. Active affiliates - Yes, we need active affiliates to achieve success in SFI. They are the foundation of building a successful SFI business. There are four types of affiliates we need, PSA, CSA, PRM and ECA.
Blog and personal website can be used to find this affiliates. If you write quality content and apply some SEO principle to your site, in due time it can send you free sign up.
You can also use your site to promote SFI to social websites like Facebook,twitter etc. that are no longer accepting SFI link.
2. Duplication - Helping others to do what you are doing is a great way to ensure the growth of your SFI business and you can use you blog to write encouragements and tips and strategies that are not found in SFI/TripleClicks website.
3. Personally Earned VP - This is needed to attain certain rank so that you can can earn share from the executive pool. Blog and Website has not much use in this, vecause VP are earned inside SFI website.
So concentrate on these three success factors and use blogs and website to accomplish your target.
Personal website or blog is just a tool to find affiliates and in some extent use also as a tool for duplication. BUT honestly, it does not guarantee success.
There are three important success factors that we should concentrate on, and I would like to share how website or blog can be used as tools to accomplish them.
1. Active affiliates - Yes, we need active affiliates to achieve success in SFI. They are the foundation of building a successful SFI business. There are four types