How can you best utilize your monthly standing order of TCredits? This is an excellent question and the answer, while rather broad, really boils down to your own personal preferences and what your goals are.
I know that I would tend to use the biggest portion toward getting more PSAs, which would take around 100 TCredits. For those TCredits that are left over, I would play both Time Machine and Pick the Price. By doing this, not only am I building my SFI business, but I am entered for a chance to win more TCredits.
How can you best utilize your monthly standing order of TCredits? This is an excellent question and the answer, while rather broad, really boils down to your own personal preferences and what your goals are.
I know that I would tend to use the biggest portion toward getting more PSAs, which would take around 100 TCredits. For those TCredits that are left over, I would play both Time Machine and Pick the Price. By doing this, not only am I building my SFI business, but I am entered for ...more