I believe goals can be at different levels. Goals are important for someone to challenge themselves to reach that goal. Find your why? Set daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, 6 months up to 2 years.. Where do you want to be.
Without goals, you are hit or miss or it is easier to procrastinate. The feeling of accomplishment that you get when you hit your goals are great and makes you move to the next goal that you have set . You are always reaching and climbing toward accomplishments. Enjoy the journey. Team goals are also important. Always remember setting goals is moving forward , even if you miss that goal, reset, and never quit.
Setting goals are making your plan of success. Set goals around your Why?
Hope this helps
see you at the top
I believe goals can be at different levels. Goals are important for someone to challenge themselves to reach that goal. Find your why? Set daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, 6 months up to 2 years.. Where do you want to be.
Without goals, you are hit or miss or it is easier to procrastinate. The feeling of accomplishment that you get when you hit your goals are great and makes you move to the next goal that you have set . You are always reaching and climbing toward ...more