Use this acronym "SMART" which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.
Specific: it must be very specific.
Measurable: set an amount (how much income you want to make? or how many affiliates you will help achieve EA status?)
Achievable: be reasonable with the time it will take to achieve the goal.
Relevant: your goal must be relevant (i.e. personal) to your life. It is the driving force that pushes you to do the business.
Time-based: when do you want to reach this goal?
Example of a SMART goal: I will help five affiliates achieve EA by Oct.30
Use this acronym "SMART" which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.
Specific: it must be very specific.
Measurable: set an amount (how much income you want to make? or how many affiliates you will help achieve EA status?)
Achievable: be reasonable with the time it will take to achieve the goal.
Relevant: your goal must be relevant (i.e. personal) to your life. It is the driving force that pushes you to do the business.
Time-based: ...more