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Should I put my CSAs into the new CSA Exchange? If yes...or no...explain why.

7747 votes

Anya Baptiste, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) 8/1/2015 7:40 pm

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes you should. The reason for CSA exchange is to match up co-sponsors and CSAs by country which has been shown to increase activity in CSAs due to better communications and compatibility.
Some people like working with others who understand their culture and speak their language.

Exchanging your CSAs that live in other countries and speak other language for CSAs that live in your country and speak your language will greatly increase the chances of awaking sleeping affiliates and

What tips do you give to your PSAs in your welcome letter to them?

7708 votes

Anya Baptiste, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) 8/1/2015 7:50 pm

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I would advice my PSAs to take their time with to do list especially one time actions. To me it makes no sense rushing through all one time actions and advancing to PLT in your first month without an active team. They will never be able to maintain it without spending a lot of money. They can stretch those tasks over a few months.

Along with a 1500VP standing order, those one time actions can help them get to BLT and maintain it for a few months.

I would tell them to complete

For building my business, what is the most valuable thing to spend my TCredits on?

7552 votes

Anya Baptiste, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) 8/1/2015 8:00 pm

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
For building your business, I would say bidding on auctions, CSA or PSAs in particular. Three reasons
1. Action points: you can get up to 500 AVP for bidding on auctions each month
2. If you win you are adding to you team which means, more commission and matching VP
3. You also get to bid and build which is also another way to build your down line.
So even if you don’t win the auction you are still benefiting from AVP and bid and build. If you keep bidding you WILL win, it’s

How to earn maximum income without investment with SFI?

5424 votes

Anya Baptiste, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) 5/12/2015 2:53 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to earn without investing Money is to promote tripleclicks sales, but you must invest something at some point. Like your time for instance, if you don't take the time to promote the products you wont get any sales.

Duplication is a great way to earn but how can you convince your team to invest, when you don't? We are suppose to lead by example, and i am sure you have visited your sponsors SFI homepage and checked out the badges.(I know i have) When your down line views your

What should I do with PSAs who do not want to recruit affiliates or otherwise engage in duplication?

4680 votes

Anya Baptiste, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) 10/6/2014 5:44 pm

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
That is a problem we all face but you cant force someone to duplicate if they dont want to.
What you CAN do is continue to encourage them, and inform them about the benefits of duplication. Share your success story or send them links to other success stories about duplication.

Another thing you can do is offer incentives to those that do, most people are motivated when there are rewards involved.
Example: i had one active CSA and one active PSA so i created two competitions,

What are the best products for a 1500 VP Standing Order to maintain EA status that are also useful for your SFI business?

3441 votes

Anya Baptiste, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) 11/29/2014 7:09 pm

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I recommend Tcredits 125pk standing order for 36.25 to my down line because tcredits has multiple uses. You can bid on auctions and earn vp and mrp or play eager zebra games or you can use them as reward for for down line. If there are product in the tripleclicks store that you use on a regular basis and you live in a country where the shipping of these products are free or low then you can do transfer buying. You can choose whatever products you want to make up 1500 vp SO
But personally i prefer

Which is better to pursue...CSAs or PSAs?

3327 votes

Anya Baptiste, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) 11/29/2014 7:29 pm

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Both are good. CSAs a given to you for achieving EA status or can be won at auctions. PSAs can also be won at auctions but you can also recruit PSAs on your own (friends, family, posting ads etc) The both have the same disadvantage of inactivity but when you are fortunate to get active people in your down line, with CSAs earn a 15% commission and PSAs a 45% commission. With PSAs earn matching vp to 12 generations. So the both have their benefits. I recommend both!

How can I help a PSA become a Team Leader when he or she does not have a credit card?

2223 votes

Anya Baptiste, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) 10/4/2014 9:10 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You can inform them about the other payment options available.

1. Paypal which is the fastest, easiest and safest way.

2. Money Order/Cashiers Check they can mail SFI a Money Order or Cashiers Check for their order. They also have to consider a few days or a week depending part of the world they are and the length of time it will take for their payment to reach SFI because their order wont be processed until the payment is received.

3. personal check.
