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What are the things that most make you proud to be an SFI affiliate?

5942 votes

Jordan Skinner, Aff (Idaho, US) 11/22/2013 10:52 pm

Affiliate since: 11/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a wonderful question to start up a conversation! In my opinion there are several things about SFI that make me proud to be associated.

1. It's extremely reputable - I have joined other programs that promised success and failed to offer...well...anything really. This program has so many things going for it!

2. It's backed by the BBB - I mean, how many online businesses can say that!

3. It has a solid track record of growth - so many online programs start up

How can we get across to our affiliates that investing minor (at least) amounts of money into SFI is smart?

4831 votes

Jordan Skinner, Aff (Idaho, US) 12/3/2013 8:17 pm

Affiliate since: 11/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
As a beginner with this system, I can attest that it's hard to convince someone to spend money on a new program. It was a tough decision for me to make an investment, so I understand where other people are coming from. It wasn't long before I could see the true potential of this program, and it became clear that I needed to remain at least an EA2 to begin reaping the true rewards. By setting up a standing order worth at least 1500 VP, I would be able to stay at that level indefinitely. I once read

Above all else, what is the ONE THING that has made the difference for you in succeeding with SFI?

4748 votes

Jordan Skinner, Aff (Idaho, US) 12/3/2013 9:29 pm

Affiliate since: 11/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Success with SFI really started coming after I was able to get my new affiliates to realize that I am a real person that wants to talk to them, and help them with their problems. After I was able to finally make that first real contact with them,(they reply to a message and we actually start a dialogue, not just me sending them message after message) success really started to follow. They realized that I am just like them, and that even though I am a sponsor, I still have issues now and then as

How can I get my affiliates active with TripleClicks?

4733 votes

Jordan Skinner, Aff (Idaho, US) 12/3/2013 9:22 pm

Affiliate since: 11/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I feel that the best way to get your affiliates active with TripleClicks is to show them the benefits of the online store:

Help them realize the potential of success that can follow sales and referrals to TripleClicks, then they will get more excited about it.

Share with them the WOW auctions, and explain the duality of everything involved with TripleClicks. Not only do you get whatever item you decide to purchase, you also receive VersaPoints for making the purchase. When

How do I get my downline members to participate in my team contests?

4527 votes

Jordan Skinner, Aff (Idaho, US) 12/12/2013 2:32 am

Affiliate since: 11/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Make sure that your team knows about the contest first and foremost. Post about it in your stream posts, and make sure to send out mailers to your downline so they know what offer is being placed before them. Also make sure that you advertise it on your Leadership page.

I would personally send out three or four solid messages explaining the contest rules and regulations, the time frame for the contest, when it will begin, when it will end, and what prizes are going to be offered, before

I almost gave up on SFI. What did you do to keep pushing forward?

4363 votes

Jordan Skinner, Aff (Idaho, US) 12/12/2013 2:25 am

Affiliate since: 11/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I haven't thought about quitting, but it was very hard for me to get going. I have been around online for a few years looking for the "golden apple" and all I had managed to find were rotten crab apples. It has been extremely discouraging to be honest. When I joined SFI I was thinking, "well this is probably just another dud, but let's go ahead and see what happens." I am pleased to announce that after just a few hours here I was hooked. After reading a few articles, tips and

Why is creating duplication in your SFI business important?

4135 votes

Jordan Skinner, Aff (Idaho, US) 12/12/2013 2:18 am

Affiliate since: 11/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Duplication is extremely important to make it here in SFI. When you are working as hard as you possibly can and you have a team that is doing the same, you all reap the benefits. But if you are working your heart out to make your dreams come true but you have a team full of people who don't want to do anything, you will just sit stagnant and won't be able to increase your standing or profits. Therefor, duplication is critical to make it happen.