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How can we guide our new affiliates in a way that prevents or minimizes information overload?

8138 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 9/16/2015 5:53 am

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
First of all, we have to realise that new Affiliates do receive information from different sources through messages or otherwise either from SFI, their Sponsors or their Co-Sponsors. Hence it is very necessary that we prevent or minimize information overload as we communicate or interact with them.

Secondly, we must read and study the contents of one of SFI post titled "Did you know…You can align your new PSA welcome system with SFI’s?". There is a schedule of timing of

How do you explain the difference between TCredits and TCurrency?

8091 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 7/27/2015 6:25 am

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The difference between TCredit and TCurrency. Though they seem similar in the sense that they are both used as means exchange as it relate to purchase of items in SFI but their purchasing power does not seem to be the same.
TCurrency is invariably ones Local Currency converted. That is when one purchases Dollars which is the means of exchange in USA where SFI is based through a licensed local ECA with Local Currency, the Dollar is then converted to TCurrency because it is one of the means of

For building my business, what is the most valuable thing to spend my TCredits on?

7982 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 8/3/2015 9:26 am

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I feel that the most valuable thing to spend your TCs (TCredits) on build your business is on Pricebender Auction. It is a very good form of investment and I say this from my experience for the following reasons.
1. At the Pricebender Auction, your intention is to bid to win an item and of course with the aim to
purchase the item at a much lower price than the usual price in the open market, thus making
some savings.
2. It will cost you 1 TCredit per bid and for each

What is the best way to train my PSAs and CSAs?

6909 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 9/3/2015 2:51 pm

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to train your PSAs/CSAs is by showing them how to follow your lead. Experience they say is the best Teacher and as a Sponsor, you must have gained some experience from your daily activities in SFI. By following your lead, you are by way transferring your experience to them.By this they would learn to do what they see or notice you do.The principle of DUPLICATION which to my understanding is "Do as I do".

Therefore you must be seen to be one who clears the Red Tabs

How do you know if you are capable of building a successful SFI business?

6750 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 4/2/2015 11:34 am

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I have read from some posts that SUCCESS does not come by accident, that it is spurned through certain actions. So, success is totally in your hands. You can not afford to sit for an examination without reading for it. To determine if you are capable of building a successful SFI business, you must first of all have a clear vision of what you want to be in future. This will give you the determination to set and achieve your goals. You must also imbibe the spirit of perseverance. When you have these

How do you explain to team members why VersaPoints appear to reset to zero at the start of each month?

6351 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 4/21/2015 5:59 am

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Versa Points appear to reset to zero at the end of every month as a rule of business practise for the following reasons. 1. For proper accounting purpose in payment of commission and 2. To monitor and measure the level of activities of affiliates.
It is for these reasons also that affiliates are made to set GOALS for the month at the beginning of every month. The Scoreboard reflects the 3 categories of VP recording thus.
VP you've earned to date (for detailed accounting, click here)

Why should I invest in SFI?

5754 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 12/18/2014 9:12 am

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You should invest in SFI for so some of these reasons.
1. SFI is a Real Internet Marketing Business since 1998 with millions of members all over
the world.
2. SFI is a proven business opportunity that gives you an easy format to follow to
be successful & earn money comfortably from home.
3. Format in form of Trainings, Tools and Supports and you will get several opportunities
under one roof to make multiple income.
4. You can get your own online

At this time, which are the best countries to advertise SFI in?

5535 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 6/16/2014 5:36 pm

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
To advertise is to bring awareness and value of a particular product to the knowledge of the general public. With regards to SFI, it is my opinion that this awareness and value here should be directed to the people or Countries that are yet to actively embrace the programme.
There is this story of Two Salesmen who went to a desert land to sell Shoes. When they got there, they discovered that the people do not wear Shoes. One of them backed out on grounds that since the People do not wear Shoes,

Many affiliates seem only interested in the Daily To-Do list. How can I motivate them to do other activities?

4985 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 1/15/2015 7:44 am

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You would have to give them TIPS occasionally on other activities in SFI. Tips on the benefits derivable from participating in a particular activity, what they require to participate and how to navigate to getting to take part. Above all encourage them to participate.
For example, below is an extract from a message I sent through the Genealogy Group Mailer yesterday with the subject as TIPS TO UNLIMITED VERSA POINTS.
“One of such programs is the Daily Grand Drawing. To qualify for it,

How do I get my sponsor to notice me and provide guidance?

4829 votes

Mike Ivbagbosoria, Aff (Nigeria) 5/6/2015 4:59 pm

Affiliate since: 11/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Note that the moment you signed in as an Affiliate, your are automatically linked to your Sponsor. Hence he is aware that have been signed in and would send you a welcome letter and he is able to monitor your activities. But if you to get him Sponsor to notice you and provide guidance, you have be active with regards to your performance in SFI. This is because if you are active, he will pay more attention to you and will be too willing to provide you the required guidance free of charge.
