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How can I convince my downline of the benefits of having a Standing Order without them feeling pressured?

4980 votes

ANIL WANI, Aff (India) 9/25/2013 6:39 am

Affiliate since: 05/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
+ Purchasing a share in the Sbuilder Coop will help them build their team.
+ Purchasing a subscription to IAHBE will give them access to valuable information on how to build and manage a successful home based business.
+ Purchasing Tcredits allows them to bid on auctions and accumulate a maximum of 500 VP.
+ They can earn Member Reward Points (MRP) that can be used to buy more items.
+ They never have to worry about attaining Executive Affiliate and maintaining their EA2 status,

How does one support all your downline affiliates if you have barely enough to support your own self?

4786 votes

ANIL WANI, Aff (India) 9/27/2013 6:25 am

Affiliate since: 05/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
First I believe that everyone should do their very best to get their VersaPoints on their own
encourage them along the way to:
Do their to do list
send out team mails
enter contests
You don't want to become a crutch
But on the other hand if you have some good hardworking affiliates
who you know for a fact are doing all they can
Then offer them a gift certificate or
T Credits and advise them to use them wisely
And not to give up.

Should we recruit our family members into SFI? Good idea or not?

4753 votes

ANIL WANI, Aff (India) 9/25/2013 6:27 am

Affiliate since: 05/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion, it's a good idea!
1. Your family members are like every other affiliates, the only difference is the family relationship.
2. They could either succeed in the business or not.
3. Your obligation as a sponsor is to convince them and teach them to do what you do to succeed.
4. Also, you should tell them the truth, let them see it just as it is.
But each member must maintain a seperate account.

Don't be discouraged, go ahead, it's a great idea.

How do you handle being rejected over and over again when presenting the SFI opportunity to others?

3282 votes

ANIL WANI, Aff (India) 10/5/2013 6:34 am

Affiliate since: 05/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The way you handle it determines how successful you will be in any endeavour because, rejection can come when we least expect it.
To handle rejection when presenting SFI,
1. Be proactive. Plan and practice how not to get offended when someone disent you or reject your SFI proposal.
2. Before presenting SFI to any one try and understand the person’s background and opinion about affiliate marketing. With this pre-knowledge, you will know the exact SFI package to present to the person