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What are the best ways to use the Custom Prestige Domains that SFI makes available to affiliates?

7705 votes

James Lumpkin, Aff (Texas, US) 5/13/2013 4:10 am

Affiliate since: 02/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The Custom Prestige Domains can be used to increase the quality of the people clicking on your gateways.

Another big plus will be the increased targeted traffic you send to the gateways and since Google will see more links from pages on your website to your gateways Google will be more likely to send you some of their search traffic. Google looks at the number of links to a URL when it is determining where to send search queries.

Your Custom Prestige Domain will also give you

How do you make SFI not be overwhelming for yourself and team members?

5953 votes

James Lumpkin, Aff (Texas, US) 4/3/2013 3:22 am

Affiliate since: 02/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Most of the earlier answers have gone into detail about all the resources SFI provides to make earning income via SFI easy. I won't go thru those details again. What I have recommended to my down line in the past is that if they are feeling overwhelmed is to simplify.

So if they are having trouble in one area I tell them back away from that area for a while and focus more on areas they are having better luck with. For example I had one associate once that was having trouble trying to

What other online marketing tools do you use to promote your business apart from those provided by SFI?

5878 votes

James Lumpkin, Aff (Texas, US) 4/23/2013 8:09 pm

Affiliate since: 02/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I use a list builder website to generate traffic to my gateways and the SFI Co-op to get affiliates directly.

I also chat with people I meet while riding on Dart (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) buses and light rail trains. During the chat I pull out one of my cards and answer their questions. It pays to be a real nice guy. I also leave the cards wherever I go.

I use Facebook too. Make friends with someone in their early 20's and they will have thousands of Facebook friends. They

How could I use my own or other's garage sales to grow my SFI or TripleClicks business?

5637 votes

James Lumpkin, Aff (Texas, US) 5/21/2015 12:49 am

Affiliate since: 02/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
One way is to use a real nice method my wife and I used years ago to make money at auctions. It Works best if you have a pick-up truck or access to one. Go to yard or garage sales on Sunday afternoon and look for yard sales that have lots of items that are not sold yet. They will be getting ready to end the sale by then. Offer to buy the whole lot of left over items for a lump sum. Say fifty dollars or a hundred or maybe only twenty five dollars depending on what is there. Then you can sell the items

If I set up a co-op, how do I get my downline to participate in it?

5071 votes

James Lumpkin, Aff (Texas, US) 6/24/2013 2:21 am

Affiliate since: 02/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
If you have some experience with a Co-op and know how to run it and you have enough of a downline then you could put out an email telling them you are going to be starting a co-op and telling them to contact you if they are interested. Be sure and state the benefits of the co-op. SFI tools make it easy to assign shares earned by co-op members.

If you have no or little co-op experience you might join one for free or for their small monthly fee like the SFI Team Co-op and give all your downline

How do I get my sponsor to notice me and provide guidance?

4850 votes

James Lumpkin, Aff (Texas, US) 5/6/2015 8:11 pm

Affiliate since: 02/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Be a leader. If you are new to earning income via internet and direct marketing then research and learn how to do it and do it well. There are also lots of tools here at SFI to help you. Read, study and implement the lesson plans.

Send messages to ALL your upline letting them know you are a leader and want to learn how to do the best job you can. You can purchase eBooks here at TripleClicks that will help you and give you VP at the same time. Check out the reviews of the books before

I think the TripleClicks TCards are a great marketing tool. To whom would you give the cards to and why?

1520 votes

James Lumpkin, Aff (Texas, US) 3/7/2013 8:20 pm

Affiliate since: 02/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
TripleClick Gift Cards are a great way to show some one you know about TripleClicks and if they use the card you and they will have a link to talk more about the SFI experience. It may be they are only interested in TripleClicks and that is fine. They may decide they like Pricebenders auctions too. One way is to have them sign on from their end while you are online watching an auction and talking to them via phone as you watch the bidding. Make your bid and then watch as they bid with TripleClicks

In one sentence, how do you respond when someone asks you about the business you are involved in?

1441 votes

James Lumpkin, Aff (Texas, US) 3/7/2013 8:00 pm

Affiliate since: 02/11/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I'm in a really great business opportunity that rewards me for having fun chats with people like yourself and has lots of different ways I can earn money and help people like yourself earn extra income too.

That is my most often used sentence. After I say that I ask them if they want a card to check it out on their computer. In sales that is called asking for the sale. Many people are shy and afraid of rejection so will not ask for the sale wanting the person they are talking with to ask