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Which of SFI's own banners are best for attracting new PSAs?

4971 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 1/16/2015 4:25 am

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Well this is certainly very apt and timely and in my opinion some of the better SFI banners and gateways for attracting new PSAS Signups are as follow :
Our JMT gateway where it is not only a neat showcase of your badges and credentials and show that there is indeed a real live person behind it
The other gateways I personally like and bore me a Fai bit of fruits are The FREE and Second income .
As for SFI banners my personal favorites and are quite good for me are :

What keywords should I avoid when setting up advertisements on search engines?

4937 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 6/8/2014 8:39 am

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Well what an interesting question my thought and input on the type of keywords to avoid when one is setting up Ads on search Engines are as follow:

Avoid jargons :

NO Hype that is Get Rich quick,MLM,Scam,overnight success

Guaranteed success or checks

Auto Pilot or Automatic money making internet system or machine

Auto walking Internet ATM

Make fast or easy money without the need to put in much effort

No negative wording

What are the best methods for recruiting new affiliates via social media?

4931 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 1/16/2015 4:52 am

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Well in my opinion there are really no best methods however what I can share are some of the better ways to recruit new affiliates from the Social media platforms like You Tube , Facebook , Twitter are as follow:

Go and share your various gateways and achievements and better still create a blog and regularly share tips and SFI latest news , pricebenders actions, games and all and then insert banners and your various gateways including the new JMT inside your blog posts, sharing, email

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

4927 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 12/27/2013 11:22 pm

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999


What do successful Leaders in SFI know and do?

4925 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 11/16/2013 10:22 pm

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion Successful SFI Leaders will be fully knowledgeable and updated on what makes SFI Ticks and how it works and are fully focused ,passionate about the business and from a plethora of badges on their SFI page can show in some way their level of commitment and accomplishment as well as says and shows a long way how committed they are .

They will be leading by  example and follow the SFI Rules of Success and become an awesome sponsor to motivate groom and duplicate the team for

I have set up an auto responder. How can I determine if my auto responder is working?

4922 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 6/8/2014 8:05 am

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Well in my opinion as AutoResponders have evolved over the years and has in fact become a Internet Marketer' must-have tool. And if you can afford go for the paid versions of established and time tested auto responders like aweber ; getresponse etc.

You must always test and fine tune it along the way and remember to sign up and subscribe to your own mailing list that is for your own auto responder's series of email response to have an idea of how the actual layout and message will

How can I increase my earnings with SFI?

4919 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 10/3/2014 6:12 pm

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Well I must say that this is certainly very apt and timely as it is always on our mind right well enough said here are my thought on this :

You must treat it as a Real Business and not a part time job or past time and do what it takes like committing with a standing order

opening your ECA Tripleclicks store and ,TCurrency dealership,

be actively and proactively in promoting, sponsoring, mentoring and duplicating your new affiliates to become and form new team leaders

How do you learn to write effective ads if you have never written any ads before?

4915 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 6/7/2014 11:05 pm

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Well I would just try my best to stick to the following principles in mind :

Let's not reinvent the wheels and read up on all the available resources available both on SFI and on line resources by typing it on how to write effective ads etc

Keep I always simple short and sweet

Research and Model after the successful ones and fine tune along the way to see what works best and what don't

Most important of all is to keep trying and doing it and then fine

How much is too much when contacting your team or downline?

4914 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 6/13/2013 4:19 am

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I would say that contacting your downline or fellow team members not more than say three times a week is the way to go keeping in mind not to overload too much information in a single message .
please keep it to a single topic or subject with preferably more than 5 pointers or tips as takeaway .remember to follow up consistently too
all the best

How can you offer financial support to a hard-working PSA/CSA who is truly financially challenged?

4907 votes

Johnny Tan, Aff (Singapore) 9/25/2013 9:03 am

Affiliate since: 11/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
some of the ways how we can go about supporting affilates even though we may ourselves be in financially challenged situation can be to rope in your uplines and your support to help them to read apply and use all the available resources available at SFI and where are the best source to do free ads and scripts etc

Some of the gestures could be doing some re assignment and offer of TC Gift cards and some TCS to them as well as recognition and acknowledge their progress along the way can