Being successful anywhere - in a Job, In a business, In a task, In SFI all have common factors.
At first- Define meaning of Success in SFI for yourself. Do not compare with what others achieve or do not achieve in SFI.
Take 100% responsibility for Success or failure in your business
Develop purpose, determine a what you want from this business .
Develop your strategy
set daily goals.
Improve everyday
Be passionate
Take actions
Have determination and patience
Be ready for unexpected change
be focused.
The rules of success are common in general. We think them as Longcuts as we do not get habituated to follow the rules. When We are habituated to follow the rules of success they become shortcuts.
For example check if you really take all the actions mentioned in the To to Tab. If you make a habit of taking all actions , one day things will happen in Autopilot mode and you will feel that Success is very near.
If you decide to be EA every month short cut is placing Standing Order for 1500 vp
If you decide not to have investment but earn commissions shortcut is to place advertisement daily
If you decide to be a country leader short cut is to buy as many products from Tripleclicks and earn vps.
If you decide to buy product without any financial investment from your side shortcut is to enter in hourly T credit award contest and accumulate as many T credits as possible and buy products
If you want to be a winner in auctions, follow the tips and enter in appropriate auctions
If you want to have PSAs and CSAs without advertising buy them in auction
If you want to get PSAs without advertising on your own, Buy S builder units.
In conclusion, if we make a habit of any act, it becomes a shortcut but if we do not want to take efforts there are other shortcuts available as listed above for example.
Does that answer your question?
Being successful anywhere - in a Job, In a business, In a task, In SFI all have common factors.
At first- Define meaning of Success in SFI for yourself. Do not compare with what others achieve or do not achieve in SFI.
Take 100% responsibility for Success or failure in your business
Develop purpose, determine a what you want from this business .
Develop your strategy
set daily goals.
Improve everyday
Be passionate
Take actions
Have determination