This is always a paradox. Do I choose quality over quantity? Let's examine it and get to the bottom of this issue. Going the route of quality is a long arduous journey. Diamonds are rare precious stones. Granite is semi-precious as it were but is a lot more plentiful. As a master builder of the house, it requires decor that is made with granite such as sink fixtures and countertops along with the granite floor for the patio or terrace. Since diamond is so rare and costly, it is very unlikely that this material will be used at all. Howbeit, for a premium there may be diamond accents around the home that really beautify any aspect of the room for example a chandelier accented with diamond jewels.
So it is with our networks, we will find that we will have a whole lot of 'granite' and very little 'diamond accents' due to the cost involved to acquire them. However, it really boils down to relationship marketing. This is how we shift from attracting 'granite' to attracting 'diamonds in the rough'. I say diamonds in the rough simply because it is very rare that a diamond is found that is flawless. Diamonds in general have to be polished and refined to bring out their real beauty.
Upon first site it may appear semi-precious as granite, but oh the difference when the skilled artisan puts his hands to work! So it is through relationship marketing. We can 'create' more diamonds if we would only focus on the mining process. So here are a few things that can help us make the shift:
1. Regardless of the platform you use to sponsor these 'diamonds in the rough', connect with them quickly on a personal level. Find a common thread between you and them. Then build from there. They may be looking for financial freedom, so are you. Make that the focus of your communication and lay out clear expectations to achieve it.
2. Always emphasize the power of focus commitment with a proven plan. To many affiliates waste time sponsoring affiliates when they should be developing the ones that they have. They don't have time for coaching, implementation of a plan of action, or any of the 1001 things good sponsors do. Remember a team of 1000 zeros is ALWAYS zero until you place a 1 in front of them! Develop 1 good TL then they will develop others while you develop another. This is real duplication. Just brings in the masses is not effective for long term success.
3. Never forget that we will continue to get what we have until we change our approach to what we are doing. If you find that something is not working for you then don't be afraid to try something else or better yet improve upon that which you already have.
If we do these things, then we will find that our networks with have more diamonds but we can expect to have more granite because it is more plentiful. Diamonds are rare stones that's why they have such high intrinsic value. Moreover, realize early on not every affiliate is going to be a superstar affiliate. This is not good or bad. Nevertheless focus on the qualities that they do have and bring to the team. Develop that and you will certainly have better quality all around and a few diamonds for accent! The world would be colorless without light. So we embrace all of the colors of the rainbow.
This is always a paradox. Do I choose quality over quantity? Let's examine it and get to the bottom of this issue. Going the route of quality is a long arduous journey. Diamonds are rare precious stones. Granite is semi-precious as it were but is a lot more plentiful. As a master builder of the house, it requires decor that is made with granite such as sink fixtures and countertops along with the granite floor for the patio or terrace. Since diamond is so rare and costly, it is very unlikely