My answer is 'some' and here's why and how to choose which ones.
'Just one' - you loose out on all the others, so that has to be wrong.
'ALL' - You could but you would spend your entire day at SFI and that would leave you with no life at all to live and enjoy, so that has to be wrong too.
Some - Yeah right, but which ones? Here's what I recommend:
1) Look at your areas of skill, strength and what you enjoy doing.
2) Look at the realities of your location - regulations, economy etc.
3) Look at ALL the income earning opportunities SFI makes available to you.
4) Now look at the time (daily /weekly etc) you can commit to SFI.
Pick a combination of income earning opportunities best suited you, in the light of insights you have gained from points 1,2,3 & 4.
The go to work at SFI. Be committed and consistent, and stick to your plan UNLESS changes develop in points 1,2,3 or 4 which require you to re-set your selection.
Success will be just a matter of time my friend. All my very best.
My answer is 'some' and here's why and how to choose which ones.
'Just one' - you loose out on all the others, so that has to be wrong.
'ALL' - You could but you would spend your entire day at SFI and that would leave you with no life at all to live and enjoy, so that has to be wrong too.
Some - Yeah right, but which ones? Here's what I recommend:
1) Look at your areas of skill, strength and what you enjoy doing.
2) Look at the realities of your location