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What is the quickest way to advance from affiliate...all the way to Diamond Team Leader?

6704 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 1/30/2016 4:32 pm

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
A structure built on shaky grounds is bound to collapse!

I would say that moving from affiliate to DTL, is a process that requires commitment, hard and smart work, patience and persistence. The recent changes in team leader qualifications have placed more emphasis on team building rather than buying team leader status. Before these changes were introduced one could become a BTL just by earning 3000 versa points (Sales/Purchases plus Action points) without having a single PSA under him

How can I convince people who do not speak English to join SFI and work with me?

6694 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 1/30/2016 4:37 pm

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
Speaking English is certainly helpful but not speaking it should not rob one of an opportunity!

It is understandable that in most areas of work, speaking the official language of that industry or organisation is important, in order to ensure that mistakes or accidents do not happen as a result of misunderstanding or communicating the wrong message.

However, SFI is largely an Internet based program, where the affiliates are free to learn at their own pace. Language should not

What can you do to make SFI more exciting and fun for your team?

6649 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 12/9/2015 8:25 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
One reason why people keep doing what they do is because they enjoy it. Indeed work without some fun can seem stressful!
One can start by introducing the team to the fun that is already in existence at SFI; Eager Zebra Games. What’s more is that with some of these games, team members can play for free without spending a Tcredit.
To make it even more exciting the Team Leader can consider having team contests with attractive prizes such as Tcredits or Gift certificates.
If it is feasible,

What do you do about PSAs that start off great but then suddenly become completely inactive?

6632 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 6/7/2015 7:03 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
This is unfortunately the truth with a large number of new PSAs who become inactive in the first few days. I think the problem lies in erroneously believing that if you generate a lot of versa points quickly you will realise your earnings or expectations. As a result some of them set out doing just that and when they see that it is not happening, they are greatly disappointed and presumably just move on searching other adverts..

The first impression is very important for it maybe the basis

What's the best way to motivate my affiliates to become buyers at TripleClicks?

6584 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 1/1/2016 11:14 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
I would say the best way to motivate your affiliates to buy from Tripleclicks is simply to explain to them the expected rewards:

1. If you have an item that you regularly use, by buying it from Tripleclicks, you are investing in your own business. One drawback suggested by many is that the shipping costs outweigh the advantages. Indeed one cannot ignore this but in this case it is better that the affiliate buys from the Local ECA to offset the costs of shipping. In addition there are many

What is the best payment option for a Standing Order for an affiliate who does not have a credit card?

6518 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 10/6/2015 6:28 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355

You have raised a genuine concern for a lot of people. I would suggest that you consider the following three options:

1. PayPal
2. Payoneer Card
3. Local Pay

If you open a PayPal account, then you will not need to provide a credit card for your standing orders and the recipient will be informed of payments through email.

However, if this is still not possible for you, then you can apply for a Payoneer card through Tripleclicks. Your payments

What do I say to an affiliate who complains he's not getting as much out of SFI as he's putting into it?

6471 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 10/6/2015 6:36 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355

Everything takes time and input does not necessarily yield an instant great output.

It is true that it can be very frustrating when the affiliate considers how much time or money they have invested and do not see the expected returns. An example of this is when one invests in buying PSAs through say “PSAs to Go.“ Out of say100 PSAs, sometimes not even one of them logs in beyond the first day. When faced with this the immediate temptation maybe to stop buying but a better reaction

I'm an EA2. What should my next objective be and how should I fulfill it?

6365 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 10/7/2015 11:29 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
To be EA2 shows that you are indeed committed to achieving your goals. Congratulations and maintain the same fighting spirit that has taken your there.
One of my upline once wrote to me that: “Your first goal in the first month is to be EA and your next goal for the following month is also to be EA.” What he meant was that I should maintain EA as my minimum. If one can afford, the easiest way to do that is to setup a standing order with a minimum of 1500 versa points. But if you cannot

What would be your best tips to build a strong team with real active and motivated members?

6359 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 9/10/2015 8:36 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
Most of us struggle to retain active PSAs and without active team members, the growth of the team is also slow but this should not hold us back from trying again and again. There are many reasons (most of them outside our control) why some affiliates choose to remain inactive and the sponsor should focus on those who are committed.

There are many ways in which people get motivated but in the case of SFI, I would say if you want to encourage motivation in your team then:


What's the best way to help my affiliates in other countries advance in SFI?

6351 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 6/7/2015 7:35 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
SFI is a global institution and therefore the sponsor is more than likely to come across affiliates from different countries. This should not cause the sponsor great concern but rather offer one a chance to reach out to those outside one’s niche. Most of the communication between sponsor and affiliate is done online and therefore the only problem I can imagine that you maybe thinking of could be language or culture. Fortunately, there are now many translation tools at our disposal. The sponsor