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Can I set up my SFI business to run on autopilot? If so, how?

3795 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 5/31/2014 9:42 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
There are ways to make your business run more efficiently but the term 'autopilot' is a misnomer. For example a captain flies a plane in 'autopilot'. Now you definitely realize that no passenger would want to be on that plane without a pilot! What it really means is when the plane has safely reached cruising altitude the pilot presses a button and a computer maintains the currents setting that were preset by the pilot. So without the pilot, the plane would definitely crash.


How do I assure that duplication happens in those I sponsor?

3788 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 5/31/2014 9:29 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
Basically you are looking for people who see business the way you see business. If this is not the case there is not much you can do but tell your story. By telling your story, you will either endear your team to you or alienate them from you. Either way, you can other work with people who are willing to do the work.

This said, you can work with workers on your team. You can share your growth with them and mentor them in the right direction for growth. Essentially you have to be like

Fear of success is a major problem for many people. How do you get past this with your team members?

3784 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 1/3/2015 8:09 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
You overcome fear with knowledge and dismiss your doubts with faith. As with any problem, you have to admit the problem before you can solve it. People can give you a 1001 reason why they have not succeed in SFI. Then ask them, what have you done? How long did you do it? How do you know about what you did? Aha, that's the problem!

Really it is something the individual has to come to grips with. Until they do, there is nothing much that you can do. Always be positive. Regardless,

SFI represents multiple income earning opportunities. Should I focus on just one, some, or ALL?

3783 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 3/18/2014 9:10 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
The SFI compensation plan is a package deal. You will get cross over income in all aspects of the compensation plan if you promote all of your gateways. This should be your focus and not which one is most lucrative. You don't know which will be most lucrative for you until you have a good sized active network. Then you will most likely find anomalies. For example, PSAs earn you 45% direct commissions compared to 15% for CSAs; however, in my experience I have found that many of my CSAs are more

What do you tell prospects who say they aren't interested in SFI because they don't know very many people?

3778 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 10/21/2013 2:27 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
People who say that they don't know very many people usually have not given the matter serious thought. Population experts suggest that the average adult has a social circle that includes 290 people. Many of these people you don't think about right off the top of your head because people socialize based on function.

Therefore, when people think about people they know based on social function, i.e., who do I know at church, it is easier to remember who they know. Moreover, I suggest

How can I build a successful SFI business when I have a team of inactive affiliates and doubtful customers for my TripleClicks store?

3760 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 3/18/2014 7:53 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
Building this business is like building any other. The key lies in branding and liking. What is your brand? YOU! You are the only thing that is distinct about your business. So you must brand yourself. How do you position yourself in the psyche of your customer? It called value propositioning. What benefit added qualities does your product or service have? If you are selling lotion you bet someone else is too! So what decides on where people shop? Positioning.

You have to position

At this time, which are the best countries to advertise SFI in?

3759 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 6/22/2014 12:24 am

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
Truly you can advertise in any country but you must remember that your ideal SFI affiliate is one who is able to make an investment in their business. So I'd eliminate countries where the income level is very low. I find that most of the affiliates from these countries as well as some affluent countries have false expectations. So this is the first problem to combat regardless of the country you advertise in.

Moreover, you should know that the paid platforms know the ideal prospect

How do you install an SFI or TripleClicks banner on your blog?

3759 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 3/26/2015 9:48 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
It really depends on the platform you are using. So the best thing to do is to google the question for the platform you are using. You will get step by step instructions on how to do and if you want a video tutorial, just query YouTube. You can watch the video at your own pace and follow along at the same time.

When someone asks you why they should join SFI, what do you say?

3753 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 9/13/2013 1:25 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
When asked why should they join SFI you should be aware that your answer to this question will set the precedent in your prospects mind forever about your SFI business. So don't just say because it's great or because I am in SFI. Who cares? What you prospect really is asking is what's in it for THEM!

So you should say SFI is for individuals who want to create supplemental income that can either serve as part time or full time income working from any location in the world as long as they

Is it better to build a team within your own spoken language and environment...or go beyond these boundaries ?

3752 votes

Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) 1/3/2015 7:02 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
Working with your team will require communication and you can communicate with those you understand and trust best. So face-to-face marketing will be most useful in this area. However, you can build rapport with an international team. As the LaunchPad Lesson Day 5 - Borderless is Beautiful, the more the merrier. Yet, an international team has its challenges.

Therefore, I do recommend that everyone works with a local group of sure fire winners. It will empower you and them to have