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How does one support all your downline affiliates if you have barely enough to support your own self?

5065 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 9/22/2013 3:39 am

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best form of support one can provide is actually not financial support. Financial support can actually work against you unless it's used in a manner where you are sure that your affiliate has gone all out and is truly in need of this type of support. If you buy their way to EA, they will not take it seriously unless they have truly gone all out. They will become a crutch that will inevitably break.

Financial support is always one of incentive or reward. However, you will be quite

I want to recruit only SERIOUS affiliates. What should I tell prospects about SFI to ensure this?

5065 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 1/16/2015 5:52 pm

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The simple answer should not surprise you.

The true serious affiliate does not need much convincing. If you have to tell someone something to convince them to ensure they are serious since they were not or did not seem like it to start, then guess what, they are not serious most likely.

The true serious affiiate is the one that you will likely do the least to find and actually inherit by osmosis it will seem and just works without you doing much of anything. Again, we are

What are some of the ways I can use my IAHBE membership to grow my SFI business?

5007 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 11/22/2013 4:12 am

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
There are more ways then one can explain here in how to utilize IAHBE to grow your SFI business.

Just know one thing for certain. There is a reason why the IAHBE is auction item and very popular EA 1500 VP SO (standing order). Meaning, it gets you 1500 sales VP if you leverage this alone as SO every month.

Leverage the IAHBE as your monthly SO and nothing else and YOU will grow your business as it gets you to EA every month with a single SO purchase.


Should we recruit our family members into SFI? Good idea or not?

4975 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 9/25/2013 2:21 am

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a explosive question in my family.......

Depending on the cultural background of the person answering, as this is a global membership and many cultures are involved,
you will get many differing perspectives and opinions.

This is all good but it really comes down to each and every family and the uniqueness of each.
The right answer depends on your family culture and uniqueness.

With that said, I will give you my answer based off my family and

What do successful Leaders in SFI know and do?

4938 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 11/16/2013 5:43 am

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI successful leaders know to serve their downline better then themselves and not be self-serving. Success will not occur without the success of their downline. This the key to success in SFI. Assist and serve your downline like your life depended on it.


Seeing and shaping the future of success in SFI
Engaging affiliates and developing them to be successful in SFI
Reinvent all the time meaning making refinements along the way
Value your affiliates

Above all else, what is the ONE THING that has made the difference for you in succeeding with SFI?

4908 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 12/8/2013 5:57 pm

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The one thing that has made the difference for me succeeding with SFI.

Honestly, I can't say it was just one thing. It's has been/ is a compilation of many areas. If I had to pick one thing, though, it would be the " SFI system".

What do I mean by "SFI system"? The structure of SFI that it promotes to its affiliates to sell to others or the marketing of the system that sells.

The manner in which SFI markets and promotes to affiliates for training

How can I get my affiliates active with TripleClicks?

4831 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 12/8/2013 6:25 pm

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is an easy one actually.

You want your affiliates to be active in TripleClicks. Then, give them a reason to be there.
Offer them a incentive to try out what TripleClicks offers.

How, provide them incentives and educate them on its offering. Such as:

-->Gift Certificates
-->Promoting or directing them to WAVE
-->Sending them newsletters about the ECA program

It's up to you as their sponsor to be the best

Recruiting PSAs or ECAs--which will generate the quickest income?

4823 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 12/8/2013 6:08 pm

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
First of all. Whether you are a PSA or ECA, the goal is not to generate the quickest income.

The goal is to generate revenue of time that becomes profitable and residual. If one makes quick income by rushing into business may work but that usually later backfires as it's misses the boat.

Let's look at how each earn Income.

ECAs earn off a selling there products or services. But it's how the do it and service behind it. You can earn quick income as am ECA but

How can we get across to our affiliates that investing minor (at least) amounts of money into SFI is smart?

4797 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 12/8/2013 6:18 pm

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The easy answer to this is......

You do not or should not have to convince anyone to do anything in SFI and their business. This is their business
and those that stick with it for at least 6-8 months will see it for themselves that if they want to survive and be successful and
not take a zillion years, that they should reinvest profits into growth of their business.

This is common sense in any business. In order to grow your business, you should reinvest a percentage

Of all of SFI's Power Tools, which ones works best for you and why?

4764 votes

Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) 8/8/2013 7:17 pm

Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This question is not one that has one specific answer. Why?

Power tools are named Power tools for a reason. You should be using them all as core to your business success. They all work as designed and serve a specific purpose and they all provide tremendous value and power. Thus, "Power" tool. Each tool should be utilized in your core business to build your power ranks.

1. S builder. - very useful to get into the S-Builder co-ops
2. Key codes - a must