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In my advertising campaigns, is it better to provide more or less information in my ads and why?

3417 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 1/2/2015 3:33 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
Many advertising guru in our business are unanimous in saying that less is best when it comes to advertising.

And the saying that less is more is very effective if you use very catchy and interesting words that describe what you are promoting.

Depending on the purpose of your ad, you will use short keywords that will stand out.

One such ad I saw years ago that really caught my eye and interest and stayed with me till now was: “This one’s for you”. I saw

Should I promote participation in Pricebenders to my team? If so, for what reason(s)?

3409 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 5/10/2015 2:00 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
Definitely, you should promote participation in Pricebenders to your team for the following reasons:

. To earn Action VP and MRP. By participating in Pricebenders auctions, your team will earn 1 VP, 5 MRP or 10 MRP for 2x MRP auctions, and earn maximum 500 Action VP and 2,500 - 5000 MRP for the month.

. To build a team. Earn full PSA with every 100% Spin in Bid & Build feature of Pricebenders.

. To win free 4 TCredits every time one wins the Flash Drawing

If you could completely start over with SFI today, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?

3395 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 7/27/2014 10:44 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
If I could completely start over with SFI today, knowing what I know now, I would do some things differently, like not waste 6 months to get really started.

Or, I would just spend 3 of the 6 lost months to read, learn, and get familiar with working an internet business.

I would use the first 3 months to learn the SFI-speak, learn the meaning of lots of strange SFI terminologies, and deal with understanding how virtual currency like the TCredit works. I would concentrate on

How do you get new PSAs to commit to SFI?

3359 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 1/2/2015 4:00 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88

We have to be committed to SFI ourselves before we can expect our PSAs to commit to SFI.

As we don’t know the exact reason for their joining even though it says on their Profile, we need to know their core desires otherwise it will be a real struggle to get them committed to SFI.

Some of them really have no idea what they want out of SFI, except to earn money as soon as they can.

To even suggest to them to set up a Standing Order, as recommended but not compulsory,

What makes you persevere with SFI and not quit?

3354 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 7/27/2014 11:25 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
SFI was one of the five programs I was recommended to join in order to have five streams of income.

While the other programs looked interesting, they don't have the structure and simplicity of marketing plan of SFI. Having no brains for technology, I have a very simplistic mind and needed training. With written procedures to follow, it made things easier without the need to learn how build own website, learn about adwords, SEO and other strange words, and deal with all its complications.

What is the benefit of receiving non-active, re-assigned affiliates (PSAs) from your upline?

3350 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 4/4/2013 7:51 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
The benefit of receiving non-active, re-assigned affiliates (PSAs) from my upline is enormous. It not only proved to me that my upline cares for me to be successful but to give me first hand training in being a leader.

It gives me a chance to practice my writing skills by sending a group message every week, in return earning 120 VP in a month.

The weekly messages to my non-active, re-assigned affiliates is an excellent personal training in communication for the time will come

Why is it important to have team members to take on leadership roles?

3316 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 1/2/2015 3:41 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
Because you want to duplicate yourself as a leader. To do this you need to check who among your Movers are showing leadership potential.

Identify 5 of your Movers and check their Affiliate Profile to see what level of activity they are at.

These 5 will always be featuring on your Movers list, as you can see from their VP Ledgers and in their Afiliate Profile how many people they have sponsored since joining your team.

At this stage, it is now important to give special

What is the best plan to give your new PSAs to help them get started...from day one through their third month in SFI?

3213 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 8/14/2013 1:55 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
What a great question. I hope my answer will be helpful to new team leaders.

My plan is simple and easy for the new PSAs to do, without the need to reinvent the wheels.

1. Get them to Fast Track within 24 hours if they have just registered by explaining the benefit of receiving a bonus 200 VP when they have scored 500 VP.

2. Get them to complete Getting Started and Intermediate actions to earn all the required 1500 VP to become Executive Affiliates. Tell them to read

How do I get the maximum benefits of being an SFI affiliate?

1120 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 5/8/2014 12:49 pm

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
To get the maximum benefits of being an SFI Affiliate, you must have a goal, a why, a reason for joining SFI.

As an SFI Affiliate, you have at your disposal all the training materials and resources provided free and accessible at any time you log in.

You can tap at the broad knowledge of successful Affiliates to help you build your SFI business through the SFI Forum, the best answers to many interesting and relevant questions at Ask SC, and reading articles and Affiliate Tips,

What's the best way to get new affiliates going on doing their daily tasks on a regular basis?

32 votes

Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) 12/15/2012 4:02 am

Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88
After the welcome letter, I would follow up with a personal message to new affiliates, to offer them guidance and teaching the basics.

For most people, the Affiliate Center can be a bit overwhelming, so it is important to let them know that if at any time they’re feeling this way to take a break.

Above all, I will advise them to not try to learn everything about SFI in one go. As with everything else, there is a time for learning, a time to put into practice what has been