The best way to get Wave 3 signups is with the TC Gift Card. I believe this is way this program was created. There are many ways to get TC Gift Cards.
1. Win them on auction! This is my preferred way of getting TC Gift Cards. Not only can you possible get them at a better value than on standing order but also you can earn extra TCredits from the Pick-the-Price contest. Plus, you earn VP up to 500 VP for every bid that you place. In addition to that, when you get your TC Gift Cards there are even more VP to earn plus the opportunity to earn the prestigious DistribStar Badge when the TC Gift Cards are distributed! Pricebenders just plain ROCK!
2. You can purchase TC Gift Cards with MRPs (4,243)! It is a mistake to think that MRPs don't count like cash because they do! Include MRPs into your earnings equation and if you decide to buy TC Gift Cards that's money well spent!
3. You can purchase TC Gift Cards with TCredits (198). Making purchases with TCredits is not your best option and probably the least beneficial of all methods. If you have stockpiled TCredits then this might be a viable option for you.
4. My No.2 preferred method of purchasing TC Gift Cards is on standing order. You save on the order from regular price, you earn 100 VP for an active standing order, and you are awarded VP when the cards are distributed.
No matter how you get your TC Gift Cards you can enter a prize drawing for more VP! The TC Gift Card program is a wonderful tool to get W3 signups. How?
A. Pass them out to your family who don't live with you.
B. Pass them out to your social circle.
C. Pass them out to your professional circle.
D. Pass them out to the parents of your children's friends.
E. Pass them out to businesses you frequently patronize.
F. Pass them out at the gas station.
G. Pass them out when using public transportation.
H. Pass them out when your family dines out.
I. Pass them out when you go to public events (please, be courteous.)
J. Pass them out to every neighboring house on your street (be aware of the dog!)
K. Pass them out any and every time you get an opportunity!!
The are neat to carry and fit right into your pocket/purse/wallet. The TC Gift Card program is the second greatest improvement to the SFI arsenal of tools. What's the no.1 tool? The one you put into ACTION FOR MEASURABLE RESULTS.
The best way to get Wave 3 signups is with the TC Gift Card. I believe this is way this program was created. There are many ways to get TC Gift Cards.
1. Win them on auction! This is my preferred way of getting TC Gift Cards. Not only can you possible get them at a better value than on standing order but also you can earn extra TCredits from the Pick-the-Price contest. Plus, you earn VP up to 500 VP for every bid that you place. In addition to that, when you get your TC Gift Cards