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Why it is difficult to convince your PSAs and CSAs to work the business despite all its advantages?

5480 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 12/17/2014 3:11 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
When we receive notification of a new PSA, almost without exception the notification says their primary language is English. This is totally false in many cases as possibly more than 50% of PSAs have a primary language that is not English. I often get responses, from PSAs who were notified to me that they had English as their primary language, in a language other than English. When translated these responses invariably say something along the lines of 'What are you on about? Please speak Spanish,

What is a good financial budget to start with for SFI?

5441 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 6/15/2015 6:57 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
If you want a good start with SFI, I think you need the ability to afford an investment of $80 - $100 a month. $36.25 on a Standing Order gets you 125 TCredits, 1500 SVP and 100 bonus AVP. a further $44.00 a month gets you 2 shares in the S-Builder Coop for another 560 VP.

With that you only need another 1000 Action VP a month to get to BTL, and by doing Daily, Weekly and Monthly actions, over a full month, you would need less than 400 AVP over the rest of the month to qualify as and retain

When is the best time to upgrade your rank from EA to Team Leader?

5378 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 6/15/2015 6:02 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You should upgrade to Team Leader status as soon as you can afford to. Even before you sponsor anyone, upgrading to BTL gives you more credibility and will help your sponsoring. If you can afford to go BTL as soon as you join you should do this. Getting to BTL will among other things give you 40-60 CSA's every month you retain this rank. On one occasion I was given a reassigned CSA who had already reached EA2 that month before the reassignment went through.

The best way is to put in Standing

What are the best actions to focus on?

4792 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 10/19/2014 4:28 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The best actions to focus on in order are:

1. Become FAST TRACK MEMBER if they are brand new affiliates. It gives them 750 VP towards EA qualification among all the other goodies Fast Track gives them.

2. DAILY ACTIONS. If you do not do the Daily Actions every day without fail you will not succeed in SFI. Obviously everyone will miss the occasional day but it should only be for exceptional circumstances. You learn so much about SFI, and improve your chances of success so much

How do we get the most from the MRP (Member Reward Points) we earn?

4592 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 2/3/2015 4:11 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Set yourself a goal of buying something from TripleClicks and noting how many MRP are required to buy this particular item. Save up the MRP and only when you have the amount you need to buy your goal item, spend it on that item.

Usually when my MRP total reaches around 3500, I order a share in S-Builder Co-op, which serves to add 5 - 10 good quality PSAs to my team at no cost to myself. I also buy another share in S-builder Co-op as part of my monthly SO. Currently I have around 7 co-ops

Which is better and contact my PSAs through SFI (e.g. PSA Mailer) or directly via their email address?

4454 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 3/25/2015 5:28 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
There is no right or wrong answer to this question.

If you use TeamMail, you can use SFI translator, so that each recipient receives it in his own language and is more likely to act. But TeamMails are not saved by the system and if you want to save them you have to copy and paste to a separate folder. With group mailings this is not a problem as the message comes up in your message bank and one click saves it.

A big advantage is that with PSA Mailer you know it is going to

How do I get new, anxious-to-earn-NOW affiliates to understand that it takes time to develop a successful business?

4449 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 7/25/2014 12:33 am

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Perhaps it is your own desire to succeed is showing through and your need is putting some off.

They have to be made absolutely sure that this is not a get rich scheme. If they are looking to make money now, SFI is not the way. Tell them that if they were making even $200 a month after 12 months they would be doing better than most. Tell them that even the best SFI Affiliates take 3 years to get to a stage where they can live off it. Tell them that it is a wonderful way to build a comfortable

When do I know that I've become successful in SFI and TripleClicks?

4417 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 9/18/2014 2:34 am

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Your definition of success is different to everyone else's. But there are stages of success.

Getting to EA2 is a success and it is difficult if your budget does not allow you to buy your way there. Similarly upgrading your rank and maintaining it is a success. The higher the rank the bigger the success. Being an E365 finalist is a success. Each SFI or TripleClicks badge is a success.

There are some BTL's making more money than STL's, GTL's and Platinums. Does that mean they

How many affiliates do I need to sponsor each month to build a successful business?

4390 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 5/2/2015 12:29 am

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Technically 1 affiliate a month who is actively trying to build an SFI business and does what you do and whose downlines follow suit, would be sufficient. After 12 months you would have 77 affiliates qualifying EA2 or better going down 12 levels and 1 EA on level 1. This would generate enough VP to make you and at least 5 first line affiliates, Platinum team Leaders, thus making you a Diamond Team Leader.

This is technically possible but to achieve this, statistically you would need to

I've been in SFI for one year now with no success. What should I do now?

4374 votes

John Ryan, Aff (Australia) 7/25/2014 12:58 am

Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You say no success. You mean that after 12 months you are still an affiliate, that you have no team under you, and your commissions are almost zero. Come on! You have come a long way further than that, and that is success.

I have been with SFI for 4 months and each month my commissions have been higher than the previous month. To me that is success. My commissions are now paying for my 125 TCeredits each month. That is success. Each month my team has grown. That is success. Every so often