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What's the biggest turn-off that I should avoid talking about to prospects for SFI?

6289 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 12/8/2014 4:31 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
Hi John,
1. Frankly speaking there is no end to the number of ‘turn offs’. Basically, these would vary with different prospects.
The following are the common mistakes which we commit/likely to commit while talking about SFI to a prospect, which can instantly turn him/her off!
i) Being Pushy: Never try to force your prospects to join SFI. The principle & rules of SFI clearly state that joining SFI has to be a voluntary affair. You will be violating SFI’s culture if you

What do you do about PSAs that start off great but then suddenly become completely inactive?

6281 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 6/11/2015 6:36 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
Hi Mischelle,
We can broadly classify the sponsored affiliates into three categories as shown below
i). Those who signed in initially but did not log in after a couple of days. This type will contribute to approximately 90- 98% of affiliates.
ii)Those who had started well with a bang but quit suddenly and become completely inactive will be around 1 to 10% of our affiliates.
iii) Those who are active from the beginning until they become successful - This is about 1-5% only-

Is there such a thing as helping your affiliates TOO much?

6255 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 12/8/2014 10:15 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
Hi Emma,
1. I would say that there is nothing like helping too much with your affiliates. As a matter of fact your role as a team leader to progress in your business you should be persistent and patient in helping all your down line PSAs and CSAs. However you have to draw a thin line between
a) Teaching the team member and doing the task for them.
b) Graciously paying their way- like paying for their SO, because if they don't have a stake in the reward it will not hold the same value

What is the quickest way to advance from affiliate...all the way to Diamond Team Leader?

6226 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 2/2/2016 5:31 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
Hello Betty,
Before I proceed any further I would emphasise that there is no quickest way or a short cut to become a DTL! My concluding paragraph clearly highlights this aspect.
1. First & foremost requirement is to recruit more & more i.e. as many affiliates as possible you in order to find at least five”gems” who are serious about building a successful business.
2 .Follow “The Plan” (url ;use these strategies to help create activity and

What is the most effective way to communicate with your team?

6218 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 12/11/2014 4:03 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
1. Communication is one of the essential requirements for progress in any walk of our lives. It is a very important & crucial aspect when it come to running the SFI business; effective communication is mandatory with the affiliates in our down line as well as the prospective ones whom we try & sponsor. This process of communication should be at regular intervals.
Effective ways of communication can be broadly classified into two categories of affiliates.
a) Local
b) Global

I'm an EA2. What should my next objective be and how should I fulfill it?

6211 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 10/9/2015 2:33 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
Hello Avinash,
1. Congrats by the way for achieving the EA-2 rank. The very fact you have reached this level confirms that you are ambitious to reach further heights, surmounting all obstacles/hurdles on the way.
2. Your primary aim now must be to become a strong Team Leader, starting at the bronze level (BTL).
3. This is also the time to recruit as many affiliates (PSAs). You have to dedicatedly focus on this aspect now onwards.
4.Once you secure a handful of active PSAs/CSAs

Which TC Direct products (not ECA products) have you used and really like?

6144 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 9/14/2015 5:19 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
Hi Radisic,
1.I would recommend the following:-
a. 125 T-Credits -Pack
This is quite ideal for a Standing Order(SO) ,fetching you 1500 VPs. This will enable you to attain & maintain the EA2 ranking.
b. TCredits-1 (Single)
This is very useful when due to a limited budget, you cannot afford to pay for the SO of 125 Tcredits. Basically one can earn around 600 VPs by carrying out the monthly, weekly and daily” to do tasks”The remaining 900 odd VPs can be achieved by

Which will better help me attract affiliates...promoting TripleClicks, or promoting SFI?

6144 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 9/11/2015 6:28 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
Hi Caroline,
1. An interesting question. Well. I would say promote both. From my experience it’s a known fact that SFI and Triple- Clicks go together hand in hand in promoting your business. As a matter of fact both need each other!
2. First of all, in order to build a successful business in SFI, you need an active team of personally sponsored affiliates (PSAs). The rate of attaining your PSAs proportionally influences the rate of expansion of your SFI business
3.With that said;

An affiliate logs in after a long period of inactivity. Should I acknowledge this? And if so, what should I say?

6117 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 9/26/2014 6:12 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
1. Well, this is a familiar issue which most of us in SFI have experienced.
I cannot vouch the same for others, but this is how I go about addressing this pleasant and surprising change of attitude of my PSA/CSA.
2. Once, I see the name of this old PSA of mine pop up in the movers list,I shoot out a congrats /welcome E-card, welcoming him back & complementing him for his decision to re-activate himself.
3.Wish him success in his second attempt reminding him that a war is not

Why should anyone want to become an SFI affiliate?

6012 votes

Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) 9/27/2014 3:59 am

Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 675
Hi Venise ,
A good question.I would go a bit further and say that everyone who is keen to join an online marketing business should become an SFI Affiliate! There are numerous reasons for anyone & every body to join SFI! I am highlighting the major ones below:-
1. SFI is not an over night business: It is a top-rated online business backed by the Better Business Bureau that empowers regular people to earn money from home using only their Internet connection. It is a legitimate business