The best way to handle rejection is to look at it this way:
When you ask someone if they have ever joined a money making program online, more than likely they will say something like 'yes I have, but I got ripped off a couple of times'
They might also say 'They are all scams! no matter what you say? They all rip you off!'
That's not a problem as we have probably all invested money into an Amazing online business of some kind or other? And got stung so many times we all said never again!
So we have to understand what they are saying!
On the other hand you could use the fact they turned you down to an advantage?
Well you say to them, I tell you what, if I can make $$$$$xxxx in my Account in 6 months will you Join me on my Team, and I will show you how to do the same?
Its human nature to wonder 'What if he can?'
They will probably say if you can make $$$$$xxxx then Yes I will Join your Team!
They have Not said No!
Its just up to you to make sure you have made that amount in your Account!
6 months later you can go back to them and say time to Join my Team! Result!!!!!!!
Use it to your advantage!
Without proof, you probably won't get fast results? But once you have, well people Will be lining up to Join Your Team!
People want to be able to see Money in your Account!
They are not interested in what you will say to them, the proof is what they see in your Account!
Like I have said turn the rejection into deal that you both benefit from! It will push you to get the Right Result!!!!
Hope this helps some?
See you at The Top!!!
The best way to handle rejection is to look at it this way:
When you ask someone if they have ever joined a money making program online, more than likely they will say something like 'yes I have, but I got ripped off a couple of times'
They might also say 'They are all scams! no matter what you say? They all rip you off!'
That's not a problem as we have probably all invested money into an Amazing online business of some kind or other? And got stung