This is very timely question. I am glad you asked.
The nice thing about the SFI system is you do not need to manage your whole downline and, if you are you are, you actually are not duplicating what the successful leaders are doing. For me, for example, there is no way I could manage 12000 people effectively. The nice thing about it is I don't have too nor would I want to.
Remember the basic SFI model.
*Become and remain an EA2 or Team Leader.
*Find 3-5 PSAs and train them to become EA2s and / or team leaders
*Then train them to do the same
It is really that simple. I don't mean simple by duration, I mean simple by process. The time it takes to build up that team is really up to you. By team, I mean your front line 3 or 5 PSA. It is this front line 3 or 5 PSA that you should devote your full attention to at first. This is your magic line so to speak. What I mean is this is where all the magic begins.
The beauty of the system and why you don't need to manage your entire line is you don't need to as you will leverage your line to that for you and your front line's front line and their front line front line front line etc
This is where we get the term leveraged income. Right now you are being leveraged by your sponsor and more so by your UPLINE sponsor 's sponsor and so on. The beauty of leveraged income is bigger and wider and deeper your down line goes, the less you upstream need to work as you now leverage the work of others in your downline like you are today by your upline and you not only earn leverage income but residual income. Income that comes month after month forever.
Now that you know why you don't need to manage your entire downline and just focus on your first generation line, we can focus on the importance of what personalized attention you do néed to give and to whom. Your goal remember is to build a solid team of 5 PSA. This takes time and is sped up or slowed down by you and your time and captial invested. I will assume that you know how to find PSA and focus on what you should do with the ones you do find.
Quite simple put, treat your front line 5 like you need them to live. Without them you will die. They are your air so to speak. Devote your time and attention on finding 5 solid PSAs and then train them well to each build their team of 5.
By doing this, you can better manage and focus on small group and manage it effectively too and for the long term. If you try to support everyone and everything, you will become overwhelmed and most likely burn out or quit when you find out that your work is going for not because you are stretch way too thin. Sound familiar?
Getting those solid front five will take time. Some can do that in months some years but in the end it's the quality of those front five that will drive the effectiveness of your entire line. Therefore, I highly recommend that you put in considerable effort up front to build a high quality, highly effective front line and then incentive-vise and motivate them until they become self guiding and repeat or duplicate what you are doing.
This is where duplication is key, if you want your front line to be highly effecive like you, you better be sure that you are the leader you want them to be and doing what you are asking of them and show proof.
*Earn every badge you can.
*Become a force In the forum
*Bring in constant leads
*Offer reassignments and coops to your line
*Aim high and think big
*Be number one in everything where you can
This will make your job of building much easier as people begin to come to you like clockwork rather than you having to find them. It's all about strategy and efficiency and then taking that efficient, strategic plan to action effectively.
This is how you mange a large down line effectively and efficiently and will pay off down the line, no pun intended in major ways. Success takes hard work but it also rewards you in major ways. SFI is simple by process. Where it gets hard is staying motivated, persistent, consistent and effective when you go through times where you feel you are not getting very far.
If you keep things small and simple that will take you farther and greater then trying to do it all yourself. Leverage others and duplicate what works and you will hit your mark but try to get to creative and complex and deviate to far and you may get nowhere.
To your success. Good luck.
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This is very timely question. I am glad you asked.
The nice thing about the SFI system is you do not need to manage your whole downline and, if you are you are, you actually are not duplicating what the successful leaders are doing. For me, for example, there is no way I could manage 12000 people effectively. The nice thing about it is I don't have too nor would I want to.
Remember the basic SFI model.
*Become and remain an EA2 or Team Leader.
*Find 3-5 PSAs