A Team Leader is the head-man; who leads the team to success. The most important thing for a leader of such a system is to do as follows in the quest for the ultimate success of the team:-
1. Principally, build up the team into a formidable unit; with everyone moving in unison. Where anyone lags behind, the leader calls for attention and problems of such member(s) discussed for possible solutions to be seen.
2. Giving pep talks to all team mates; as a form of training for development. All questions, queries, concerns etc are addressd rapidly for the improvement of all mates.
3. Visiting every member's site to view their performances via the Genealogy tool; at least once every 3 days. all members not up-to-date, are advised accordingly and their problems sorted out to get them back on stream. Send out mails of advice.
4. Encouragement: all members are encouraged regularly and informed of any going ons in SFI. Directions and some tit bits from TripleClicks/ SFI given out to keep the Team Members up-to-date on all issues. New and interesting happenings at the FORUM- communicated to the team for their attention and future visit.
5. Invariably, team leading is the co-ordination of several members of a group to come together as a team to 'Create and share' and the leader as the supervisor for the ultimate success of the team as a unit.
6. Congratulating members who achieve their goals and perform creditably. Awards of TCredits and Gift Cards where necessary or especially when responding to contest; as set by the leader. Upon the achievement of anything, such mentions are to be made for all team mates to give the necessary recognition to and achiever.
7. Standing Order: its setting up is gradually introduced for the rapid development of a team mate. The leader takes some time to send a mail to all team mates; explaining the details and how useful it is to the commitment level of a team mate to the SFI business. Standing Order serves as an 'Initial Capital' in any business and to introduce such funds into one's business shows how committed one is.
To sum up, the Team Leader is the motivator, coach, director of the team. He/She guides all team mates to work together for the common good of all members.
A Team Leader is the head-man; who leads the team to success. The most important thing for a leader of such a system is to do as follows in the quest for the ultimate success of the team:-
1. Principally, build up the team into a formidable unit; with everyone moving in unison. Where anyone lags behind, the leader calls for attention and problems of such member(s) discussed for possible solutions to be seen.
2. Giving pep talks to all team mates; as a form of training for development.