Before I give my opinion on this question which base on my experience that having financially challenged in setting Standing Order, I want first to clear 2 things:
Financially challenged could mean that the affiliate doesn’t have any spending power or enough money to spend. The term “challenged” is generally understood to mean “lacking in” and if you put it after “financially” then it becomes financially lacking.
What is the important of having Standing Order? Of course, the 100VP bonus that you get for setting Standing Order of purchasing TripleClicks products that have 1500VP or more than 1500VP is the essence of having Standing Order. Setup a Standing Order for purchasing TripleClicks products that having below 1500VP is the same as purchasing regular products that have no bonus VersaPoints.
So for affiliates who have a financially challenged or financially lacking or no enough money to setup Standing Order, here are some of my options as base on my experience and my financially capability:
SO 1. $28.35
TCredit (1 TCredit x 15 Units) 102VP, 5 MRP and $1.89 = Total cost $28.35 with 1530VP and 75 MRP + 100VP bonus SO. The cheapest one.
SO 2. $29.00
IAHBE with 1500VP +100VP bonus SO and 24 MRP – this product provides you all the insights and resources you need to achieve maximum home-business success. Best recommended for beginners and new affiliates.
SO 3. $36.25
TCredit Pak (125 TCredits) with 1500VP and 8 MRP + 100VP bonus SO + 125VP and 625 MRP or 1250 MRP for double (DP) for using TCredits in auction. Good recommended, if you want to participate in Price Bender Auction.
SO 4. $46.68
Combination of 1TCredit (x12) & 1 Unit S-Builder Coop
TCredit (1 TCredit x 12 Pieces) 102VP, 5 MRP and $1.89 = Total $22.68 with 1224VP and 60 MRP
S-Builder Coop 1Unit = $24.00, 280VP and 5 MRP
Total Cost = $22.68 + $24.00 = $46.68 with 1224VP + 280VP = 1504VP + 100VP bonus SO and 60 MRP + 5 MRP = 65 MRP. Recommended, if you want to get PSA.
SO 5. $54.89
Combination of 1TCredit, 100 TCredits Pak & 1 Unit S-Builder Coop
1 TCredit = $1.89, 102VP and 5 MRP
TCredit Pak (100 TCredits) = $29.00, 1200VP and 5 MRP
S-Builder Coop 1Unit = $24.00, 280VP and 5 MRP
Total Cost = $1.89 + $29.00 + $24.00 = $54.89 with 102VP + 1200VP +280VP = 1582VP + 100VP bonus SO +101VP and 505 MRP or 1010 MRP for double (DP) for using TCredits in auction. Recommended if you want to get PSA and also participate in Price Bender Auction.
SO 6. $58.00
TCredit Pak (100 TCredits x 2 Units) = $29.00 x 2 = $58.00, 1200VP x 2 = 2400VP and
5 MRP x 2 = 10 MRP + 100VP bonus SO + 200VP and 1000 MRP or 2000 MRP for double (DP) for using TCredits in auction. Best recommended, when participating in auction.
These are the best SO options which I used base on my financial challenged and I hope these options will help to all affiliates.