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What's the best way to help my affiliates in other countries advance in SFI?

5804 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 6/7/2015 6:48 am

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
To help Affiliates in other country advanced in SFI.

First try by all means to understand there country of origin.

Doing that you will get to know what language that Affiliates speaks.

Create a forum where you can carry out your training section either
In English or there language by someone who knows how to speak
Their language helps you in translation. Hope that helps.

What are the best methods to attract new TripleClicks members?

5706 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 6/2/2015 4:26 am

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way of attracting a new TripleClicks member is by telling them how awesome it is in terms of what it offers. TripleClicks offers a variety of both game and one of the best products in the world.
It's organisations provide us the with the best tips on how everything works. For instance,

(1) KnockOut Trivia, provides Affiliates with in depth knowledge about how important its to be current. Not only playing the game but also winning other exciting barge and prices. Each

What are the best ways to ensure you are building your RESIDUAL income potential?

5609 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 6/26/2015 8:41 am

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
To build a Residual income is like building a retirement plans on what should come and go.
However in other to do that you most first have it at the back of your mind that it requires various stages to accomplished.

Perhaps the more effective way to do it is to make sure you have.

Standing Order, which give you at list 1500 VP, that will earn you EA
Barge. And at list 15 PSA to start with and a potential co.op building.

What do you say to an affiliate who thinks that doing the daily 1 VP actions is a waste of time?

5481 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 5/25/2015 2:14 pm

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
*That VP have become so important that Affiliate can not sleep
With two eyes closed.

*It is so important because it play one of the most vital role in
Survival of SFI business. Because 1 VP can determine once

*It determined one faith, because it is serve as the power house
Upon which the first step in SFI is taken.

*In other word,

How do I get my affiliates to understand the importance of grabbing the DAILY Action VP available to them?

5394 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 5/28/2015 2:40 pm

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
It is the bases upon which every business in SFI works.
Without VP Affiliate will never move forward.
That daily action VP are the life line of every affiliates in SFI.
For Affiliates to survive, every pinch of daily action had to be
to complete, to survive any race which includes E365 down
to becoming Executive Affiliates, every single VP count.
That's why we go as far as placing a Standing Order in
other not to be short of VP. Hope that help.

How can I become a good supporting sponsor when my communication skills are not good?

5378 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 5/28/2015 12:52 pm

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Becoming a good sponsor is like becoming a good parents knowing to well what your kids
Might need or not. The first most important thing to do is first.

*You should download a grammar voice translator in through which when
Spoken too will enable a better construction of and effective communication.
Doing this will enhance and better still gradually you will get to start
Communication well as time goes on.

*You can as well ask a friend or brother on what

I want to do local training for my affiliates. How do I get them to come to my training sessions?

5302 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 5/28/2015 2:14 pm

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Is just like making a first impressions to your girl friend which they say it last
long. Affiliates are attracted to many things some of which are TCredits and
MRP, make the training section looks like a competition where Affiliates can
Win. But first before anything create a forum where such training activities
will be discuss to see how they react to it, if interested or not. Try explain
How the training section will look like a what they will achieve and of cause

How do I get my affiliates to understand the amazing opportunity offered by SFI?

5207 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 5/28/2015 4:23 am

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
That SFI is one of the most amazing business on earth
Which offers an opportunity of a life time investment,
This is because it's foundation is build on awesome
Way that you can be your own boss.

* However, it Launchpad is designed in such a
Beautiful and amazing manner that instruct you
On a day to day activities on how to carry on your
* Secondly, it's also provide Affiliates with another


How is advising my PSAs to buy from ECAs in their country helpful?

4991 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 6/19/2015 8:16 am

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
That's an awesome question to start with.

Very simple just let them understand that doing that is safe and one of the fastest mean of products delivery since the ECAs are in the same country there is every possibility that it may be
Located in you state and amazingly closer to your house, that won't take a minute to be supplied.

(1) tell then shipping will be free, since is same country.

(2) tell them they might be lucky to find out is the next store

What is the role of the TripleClicks Executive Pool in the compensation I can earn with SFI?

4946 votes

David Ogba, Aff (Nigeria) 6/2/2015 4:55 am

Affiliate since: 04/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
The role of TripleClicks Executive Pool is simply to determined what is been paid to whom and how At the end of the month. That is it measures the values of Commission been paid to prospective Affiliates out of the number of total sale, although this depend on the percentage.
For instance what you score in your V determined the Commission you receive at the end of the
Hope that helps.