In my opinion both areas are important to building your business
The Eager Zebra games show your commitment to the products and so you are leading your PSA’s and CSA’s by example.
Entering EZ games give you 1 VP and 5 MRP
Winning an Eager Zebra game gives you valuable T credits
If anyone you have sponsored wins a game you have played that day you get a percentage of the T Credits they win
I am building a business so I try and play each game every day. As it helps me build valuable VP while I wait to develop Team members. I will play EZ games up to 200 times a month for this purpose.
The price bender auctions. I look for product which will build my business should I win, such as CSA, PSA, S-Builder Co-op.
I further refine this down to looking for product which give me double MRP.
In the event that I don’t win the Auction up to 500 bids gives me 500 VP, 10 PSA and 5000 MRP that I normally use to purchase additional s Builder co-op units.
As some relatively new to SFI I need the VP to maintain Action VP for bronze team leader level and using both I get 700 VP and just over 300 Completing Daily weekly and Monthly Tasks and in addition I 5100 MRP Points and 10 PSA to build my Business..
In my opinion both areas are important to building your business
The Eager Zebra games show your commitment to the products and so you are leading your PSA’s and CSA’s by example.
Entering EZ games give you 1 VP and 5 MRP
Winning an Eager Zebra game gives you valuable T credits
If anyone you have sponsored wins a game you have played that day you get a percentage of the T Credits they win
I am building a business so I try and play each game every day. As it helps