How do we get the most from the MRP (Member Reward Points) we earn?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
2/3/2015 7:27 pm
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi David,
There are many great uses for the MRPs we earn.
I personally think it is great to save them up for a while so that if in a month of need, I am a little short on money flow, I have the use of my MRP at my disposal to purchase things I may need for my business.
I think that the use of MRPs is business specific to each affiliate depending on what they are striving for. I know some use them to purchase 1 tcredit at a time..cost is 126 MRP and you get 1 tcredit and 102 VP.
I know some people have saved them up and have been able to get cell phones or tablets.
I like to use mine for things that will help grow my business, such as PSAs to Go, or different hits to my gateway packages (which usually give you some PSA sign ups).
I think what you need to do is browse through the tripleclicks ECA stores, see what items spark your interest and see how many MRP you need to receive the items so that you can start saving up!
It is fun when you have a lot cause it's like free shopping.
Have fun and shop wisely!
Hi David,
There are many great uses for the MRPs we earn.
I personally think it is great to save them up for a while so that if in a month of need, I am a little short on money flow, I have the use of my MRP at my disposal to purchase things I may need for my business.
I think that the use of MRPs is business specific to each affiliate depending on what they are striving for. I know some use them to purchase 1 tcredit at a time..cost is 126 MRP and you get 1 tcredit and
When starting out in SFI, is it better to invest in advertising or in an EA-qualifying purchase?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
2/16/2015 8:58 pm
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Ana,
This is an awesome question.
After having been involved with SFI for several months now, I can say that I have not used any paid advertising sites at all, and I feel my success here is coming along quite nicely.
Here at SFI, the main objective is to maintain a minimum EA status each month, to be able to get the minimum benefits possible in regards to tcredits, a couple of CSAs each month and a share of the tripleclicks executive pool.
I feel that because we are offered standing orders each month on various items that help us reach the 1500 VP needed, to obtain EA status, that is more important to do when you are first starting out.
There are a wide variety of media sites online where you are able to advertise for free, to try to recruit new PSAs, but I would also suggest purchasing PSAs to Go from tripleclicks. Rather then paying for advertising, in which you are not guaranteed sign ups, you will get the amount of PSAs you purchase. You can also try your hand at winning 1st Win auction for PSAs, or if you are not eligible for those, try the Junior
Auctions for winning them.
For myself, I would rather spend my money wisely on a sure thing, then something that offers no guarantees.
Hope this has been helpful!
Hello Ana,
This is an awesome question.
After having been involved with SFI for several months now, I can say that I have not used any paid advertising sites at all, and I feel my success here is coming along quite nicely.
Here at SFI, the main objective is to maintain a minimum EA status each month, to be able to get the minimum benefits possible in regards to tcredits, a couple of CSAs each month and a share of the tripleclicks executive pool.
I feel that because we are offered
Where are the best places and what are the best ways to get answers about SFI?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
2/16/2015 8:43 pm
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Alvin,
The best places to have questions asked/answered would be with your sponsor/co-sponsor, you can find them under the support tab, under sponsor. You can access your upline team as well....look under the support tab and click on your upline, you will have a multitude of affiliates to choose from to send a question to.
Ask AC has really good questions and answers, read through them all each day to gain valuable knowledge, or submit your own questions to have answered.
If you need help with a tech type question, submit a support ticket.
You can message your A2A friends with questions you may have and they are great at helping you out.
The best place to get immediate questions answered though in my opinion is the forum. Here all of our affiliates and even Gery Carson, has an opportunity to weigh in on the subject up for is truly our most valuable tool here at SFI in my opinion for support.
Hope this helps you out!
Hello Alvin,
The best places to have questions asked/answered would be with your sponsor/co-sponsor, you can find them under the support tab, under sponsor. You can access your upline team as well....look under the support tab and click on your upline, you will have a multitude of affiliates to choose from to send a question to.
Ask AC has really good questions and answers, read through them all each day to gain valuable knowledge, or submit your own questions to have answered.
What do you do on a daily basis to promote your SFI business?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
11/7/2014 6:49 am
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a great question.
Daily it is important to get the message out to others about what a great business this is to be involved in. Talk to family, friends and co-workers about it. Explain to them the great benefits of doing this business. Daily contests that can be entered for free. Games you can play. Online shopping and or selling items yourself, auctions to participate in, taking part as a participant yourself, or voting on the song of the month contest. The wonderful free training this business provides to all of it's affiliates, and the amount of wonderful, helpful people you meet on here, either as an A2A member, or others in your team. Share with them that the site is secure and that SFI is a registered member of the Better Business Bureau.
Most importantly, share with your family, friends and co-workers any successes you have personally had here with SFI. Nothing gets people more excited then when they know someone who is successful doing something awesome like this.
I am a Wave3 member, so I have a tripleclicks banner on the back of my car, advertising the website. I am advertising everyday as I drive around, cause people can see this on my car.
Also posting share-its and your gateway links to various sites which allow them, can generate traffic to your personal site, which can generate PSAs for you, or tripleclick members.
I hope this is helpful.
Have a successful day!
This is a great question.
Daily it is important to get the message out to others about what a great business this is to be involved in. Talk to family, friends and co-workers about it. Explain to them the great benefits of doing this business. Daily contests that can be entered for free. Games you can play. Online shopping and or selling items yourself, auctions to participate in, taking part as a participant yourself, or voting on the song of the month contest. The wonderful free training
How much time a day, approximately, do I need to invest in SFI to build a profitable business?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
11/7/2014 6:36 am
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a great question.
Personally I have a full time job in which I do shift work for 40 hours per week. I also have a second job that takes up one weekend a month.
Most of the time I spend a least a minimum of 1/2 hour per day doing my daily tasks, and sending some tip cards to my team members, and maybe advertising something on twitter. I usually enter t-time as well.
When I have a day off with nothing to do....I spend as much time as I can at SFI doing other things, as I know that the more time I spend advertising etc...will make my business more viable.
This is a very personal question for each affiliate, as everyone has different obligations in their lives that may take precedence over working on their business here.
Coming on here each day is the favorite part of my day though, because here I am my own boss and I can work my business how I choose. I love this business!
Hope this is helpful.
Have a successful day!
This is a great question.
Personally I have a full time job in which I do shift work for 40 hours per week. I also have a second job that takes up one weekend a month.
Most of the time I spend a least a minimum of 1/2 hour per day doing my daily tasks, and sending some tip cards to my team members, and maybe advertising something on twitter. I usually enter t-time as well.
When I have a day off with nothing to do....I spend as much time as I can at SFI doing other
How can I motivate and inspire my team using my SFI Leadership Page?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
5/2/2015 11:02 am
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a great question as we all strive to be great sponsors.
The leadership page is a great tool to use for generating contests for affiliates on your team, for both PSAs an CSAs. By creating contests, your team members are more likely to strive to reach certain goals that you post, to win the contest and prizes.
It is a great place to post any successes you may be having with regards to winning prizes for games/auctions/daily grand draw or E365. This should entice your team to participate and stay active.
You can also post tripleclicks items that may have been useful to grow your business, such as the New Member Pack, S-Builder, PSAs To Go and Standing Order for T-credits. By posting this information, it may entice your team to purchase items which can help grow their own business.
Successes/recognition for reaching certain goals yourself and for posting when your PSAs/CSAs also reach certain goals. This keeps your team motivated and shows them that you care about their accomplishments.
Have a successful day!
This is a great question as we all strive to be great sponsors.
The leadership page is a great tool to use for generating contests for affiliates on your team, for both PSAs an CSAs. By creating contests, your team members are more likely to strive to reach certain goals that you post, to win the contest and prizes.
It is a great place to post any successes you may be having with regards to winning prizes for games/auctions/daily grand draw or E365. This should entice
How can membership in a social site like Linkedin help me build my SFI business?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
5/2/2015 11:18 am
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a great question as we are all attempting to grow our businesses and make them successful.
Any social media site that offers free membership to join, is a bonus to us when we are trying to promote our business. You just have to remember that some sites block our gateways for some reason, probably because they want to charge for advertising on their site. You also have to remember that although the site may be free to join, they may want to charge you for advertising, as I found out with LinkedIn, so be mindful of that!
An awesome place to promote your business is if you find a great blogging site, and set up your own blog. Then you can pretty much post about whatever you want, and even get fancy with creating different advertisements using cool business photos along with your gateways. You can find various free pictures to use on Yahoo. You can find pictures that would go along nicely with all of your various gateways from the games to the music. Just remember when blogging to not only blog about your some blogs from others on the site......individuals who have lots of see what other blog topics appear popular, then you can put your own spin on some of those as well. People like people, especially interesting people. If you create an interesting blog with a combination of personal/interesting entries and advertising entries, you will have a winner.
Have a successful day!
This is a great question as we are all attempting to grow our businesses and make them successful.
Any social media site that offers free membership to join, is a bonus to us when we are trying to promote our business. You just have to remember that some sites block our gateways for some reason, probably because they want to charge for advertising on their site. You also have to remember that although the site may be free to join, they may want to charge you for advertising, as I found
Is it wise to 'bribe' your downline with Gift Certificates, TCredits or other incentives? Or does this practice come back and bite you?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
7/3/2014 7:40 am
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a job.
It takes a lot of work to reach a comfortable income level in this business. Thankfully we achieve this comfortable income level by not only the work we do ourselves, but also by the work of others in our team.
If we want to succeed in this business, we as team leaders have to be appropriate role models so others in our team can learn how to duplicate our success.
Like any other job, individuals should be rewarded for their hard work, not "bribed".
Hope this answer helped
This is a job.
It takes a lot of work to reach a comfortable income level in this business. Thankfully we achieve this comfortable income level by not only the work we do ourselves, but also by the work of others in our team.
If we want to succeed in this business, we as team leaders have to be appropriate role models so others in our team can learn how to duplicate our success.
Like any other job, individuals should be rewarded for their hard work, not "bribed".
Fear of success is a major problem for many people. How do you get past this with your team members?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
1/10/2015 10:00 am
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Sheila,
I have been pondering the answer to this question since it was first posted and my feeling about this is:
I don't really think people have a fear of success, my thinking is more so that they have a fear of the time and money it takes to invest in a new business challenge.
I had a friend of mine sign up a few months ago. Before I even had time to send my welcome letter he had opted right out of everything stating that he had no time to do this business. I think that a lot of affiliates sign up, see all of the material and get confused. They don't even give the sponsors a chance to give them a hand before they decide it is too much....this is the time investment of what I was talking about.
Monetary wise, a new affiliate will stay in usually for roughly two months, in which they can achieve EA by doing all of the ledger items. Once they realize after month two that they potentially have to spend some money now to reach EA, they soon do not show up on the mover list any longer.
I have been involved in many various businesses over the years, some of which I gave my all to and others I kind of let go to the wayside. Those of which I gave my all to, I figured had great potential, the others after joining decided they were not really for me. It wasn't a fear of success that hindered me in any of these other businesses, I just had to really believe in what I was doing and selling. If you can't get excited about your own business, then who will?
Your own enthusiasm filters through your team and gives them a positive outlook on what they are doing and trying to achieve.
Hope this is helpful to you.
Hi Sheila,
I have been pondering the answer to this question since it was first posted and my feeling about this is:
I don't really think people have a fear of success, my thinking is more so that they have a fear of the time and money it takes to invest in a new business challenge.
I had a friend of mine sign up a few months ago. Before I even had time to send my welcome letter he had opted right out of everything stating that he had no time to do this business. I think that
When a person joins SFI, what things are the most important for him or her to do?
Erica Sisco-Dube, Aff (Nova scotia, CA)
2/15/2015 7:53 am
Affiliate since: 05/08/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Manohar,
As most have stated already, new affiliates should follow and complete the actions in their VP ledgers, read and follow the instructions in the launch pad lessons, become a fast track member, and ensure that by completing enough tasks each day that earn them points to remain above the green line to ensure a spot in the finals for the E365 contest.
Important to remember as well, is for the affiliate to follow the example lead by their upline team leaders. They do not only have access to the knowledge of their immediate sponsor and co-sponsor, the can access help from the top of their upline list, which you can find under the Support tab if you scroll down to where it says your upline. Click on this and you will find all of your team support leaders that are above your immediate sponsor.
If an affiliate does not have a supportive upline, then they can also draw from a wealth of knowledge from the forum, which you can access under the hot spots tab. Here you can ask questions and receive a wealth of insightful answers from affiliates all around the world. It is a great tool for us to have here at SFI.
Hello Manohar,
As most have stated already, new affiliates should follow and complete the actions in their VP ledgers, read and follow the instructions in the launch pad lessons, become a fast track member, and ensure that by completing enough tasks each day that earn them points to remain above the green line to ensure a spot in the finals for the E365 contest.
Important to remember as well, is for the affiliate to follow the example lead by their upline team leaders. They do not