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How can I best utilize my monthly Standing Order of TCredits?

5800 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 6/19/2014 11:02 am

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
How may you utilize the T credits:

1. You may use them in price bender auctions for bidding on your favorite item.

2. You may use for bidding in double mrps auctions, so that the mrps then used to buy other t credits or things

3. You can use them to download songs

4. You may use in PTP contests

5. You may use in zebra zackpot game

6. You may use for shopping items of choice eg books

7. You may gift t credits to your hardworking

What do you say to an affiliate who thinks that doing the daily 1 VP actions is a waste of time?

5723 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 5/18/2015 8:20 pm

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

Regarding daily actions. Affiliates who think that the daily action VP is a waste of time could be the ones who want to achieve things fast and want to earn without effort. For these affiliates my answer is that patience and building your business step by step will surely lead to success.

Like an organism had to start with the basic unit , each Versa point is a cell, and important. For each and every VP earned we are paid. Each VP is important. Explain the loss ,


What are some tips for winning the Eager Zebra Card King game?

5685 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 4/10/2015 11:34 pm

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Friend,

Regarding tips for winning Eager Zebra Card King game, well my friend this is a game of chance / probabilty. Like any other games the rules and tips are already given, but in a game of chance more of luck works together with less of calculations.

In this game you are dealing with probability so best is to go by it eg when the bid is lower chances are higher for your straight to go through but as for me many times i get bursted even before 10 straight. But sometimes

How to earn maximum income without investment with SFI?

5649 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 5/8/2015 10:16 am

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello ,

Maximum income without investment = real quality smart hardwork, great leadership, powerful marketing, team building, advertising, promoting SFI and tripleclicks, more hours :-)

Well it is possible if you can do all thats mentioned above.

1. First of all log in daily to earn maximum VPS, read widely for self improvement and to have a better understanding of the system. VPS means $, you ll have to earn VPS. Ensure to atleast attain EA every month if possible

What are some good ways to effectively use SFI X-Cards?

5535 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 5/12/2015 1:41 pm

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

SFI X Card is a good advertising tool for SFI. You just have to write your ID number and give out. You need to distribute the cards to anyone and everyone, it is an excellent tool to acquire affiliates and customers. You may give them out to....

1. Family , relatives and friends.
2. At campuses, colleges
3. Leave out in the bank
4. Supermarkets
5. Shopping malls in different shops
6. Restaurants
7. clinics
8. Offices
9. Older

What is the best way to begin a new month in SFI and achieve success?

5457 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 4/2/2014 9:38 am

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

Read, read and read. Learn to earn!!!!
2. Immediately as you sign up , make your 500VPS to get a fadt track badge and 200 bonus VPS, Ensure you pass on this lesson to any PSA, CSA. You recruit .
3. Ensure you log in daily
4. Make your daily actions , weekly actions , intermidiate actions VPS. read all literature carefully and apply
5. Check out the launch pad lessons. Read.
6. As you are learning , recruit pple and teach what you learn

What is the best way to organize and track your activity with SFI (daily, weekly, monthly)?

5339 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 5/8/2015 2:06 pm

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

Well everyone has their own ways, the way to organize and track your activity with SFI.....

1. Log in daily. I do so almost every hour. First check on the alerts tab click the blue button for free entry to daily grand draw. Read all alerts and news for updates.

2. First complete the monthly AVP so in the beginning of the month, for 15VP. Then the daily VPs on the to do list (red tabs) for 16 VPS this includes the 2 VP you get for EZ and Pb tabs.


What are the most cost effective way to increase your chances of success with SFI?

5310 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 6/5/2014 10:16 pm

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello sir,

First of all alot of reading and understanding should be done , on regular basis. Application of what we read make us better and better.
As per your question what are the most cost effective ways?

1. Get all possible AVPS and then to come up to EA you can purchase products from Tripleclicks so as to make your 1500 VPS. eg you can buy 50 t credits , 100 tcredits , single t. Credits etc or you may not need to buy if you have enough mrps . With mrps you can buy

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

5267 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 12/30/2013 2:40 am

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

Hello sir,

Firstly think back and ask yourself why you joined this wonderful sfi. You definitely must be having a goal to achieve. To achive your goal, you should make it your best to overcome all barriers and excuses. Dont forget that your sponsor might also be new so we shouldnt depend entirely on the sponsor, u can express your queries with your a2a friends or your co sponsors.

Secondly you should always take this business as your own as if you are the boss and

Is it possible to be successful in SFI even when your PSAs and CSAs do not work or have stopped working?

5185 votes

Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) 4/2/2014 9:44 am

Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes, why not,

You can do good with tripleclicks by taking part in auctions, zebra game , selling stuff, and introducing ECAs. Yes i understand that it may be frustrating when PSA n CSA Become inactive, but dont lose hope, you must keep trying to keep recruiting more n more pple. There will come a time you ll have few but good ones. However other than this you can be successful in tripleclicks.

Be positive , patient and do not quit. I hope you ll get good quality PSA N