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What do successful Leaders in SFI know and do?

5080 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 11/17/2013 1:54 pm

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Being a leader in SFI is not that different from other organizations but it has some specifics of its own.
Firstly, leaders have to lead by example. One of my colleagues said: One single action worth thousand persuasions. People copy the behavior of good leaders.

Leaders need to have integrity. Ruin it once and you will have difficulties to earn the trust back.

Leaders need to have knowledge but since it is difficult to know everything, good leaders are not ashamed of

Many affiliates seem only interested in the Daily To-Do list. How can I motivate them to do other activities?

5003 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 1/18/2015 4:43 am

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You say they “seem only interested” in the Daily To-Do list?

I believe the first thing you should do is to contact them directly and point them out to VP Ledger and other actions. Maybe they are interested but not aware of other opportunities and possibilities.

Check their respective VP Ledgers and remind them of particular VP they haven’t used. Of course, be gentle, because you are not their boss. Say something like: "Hi, I have just noticed that you that you haven’t

How can I get my affiliates active with TripleClicks?

4960 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 12/2/2013 2:16 pm

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Firstly in order to be meaningfully active they should understand what TripleClicks is and the relashionship SFI-TripleClicks. Launchpad is sufficient for that.
1. Make them consider TripleClicks as their own store.
2. Explain them that compared to other online stores, here everyone is in win-win situation. TripleClicks sells goods and earn money, affiliates get Direct Commissions, affiliates purchasing get desired goods and benefits (in a form of action VPs) in return.

How can we get across to our affiliates that investing minor (at least) amounts of money into SFI is smart?

4789 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 12/2/2013 2:33 pm

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Well, every business needs investment. SFI has created a concept where basically you have time to learn and even earn without financial investment. If you build a team soon enough you can sustain your status and still live without financial investment. But, is that called business then? How much you earn that way?
But to be more specific:
1. I let my affiliates figure that by themselves..after all it is their business and it is their call..not mine. I made my decisions and I act accordingly.

When you initiate an online chat with a new PSA, what should you discuss?

4696 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 9/5/2014 4:30 pm

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion you should not "attack" your newly registered affiliate with chat immediately.
You can send them Team mail to let them know that there is a chat option. Let them know how it works and that they contact you whenever they see a yellow "cloud".
Many people will just leave when in the first minutes of their registration and while they are trying to find their way to understand everything, they hear a chime and someone wants to talk to them...many just are not

How do you learn to write effective ads if you have never written any ads before?

4567 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 6/6/2014 3:46 pm

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I might be completely wrong but I am ready to be voted NO here.
There are many questions about writing ads but there is one important thing with writing ads here which affiliates do even before becoming Team Leaders.
I will just refer to the Rules and policies:

25. Affiliate shall follow SFI advertising guidelines and agrees not to misrepresent SFI products or services. Affiliate agrees to use only SFI-approved ads. However, if you are a Team Leader, you may submit your own ads

Above all else, what is the ONE THING that has made the difference for you in succeeding with SFI?

4432 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 12/3/2013 4:12 pm

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Personally it still may be early to state that I have succeeded in SFI. I am relatively fresh BTL. But ASK SC gives opportunity from EA2 above to answer questions here. Can EA2 in his/her second month answer this question properly...that is another story.
But to answer your question..
I consider myself as a pure realist. I appreciate politeness and curtoasy but I believe only to facts. I analyze everything and the structure of this business is clear. There is no hidden agendas and tricks.

Why is it important to have a good SFI account photo? And what makes a good photo?

4422 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 2/21/2014 4:34 pm

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Probably marketing experts would be able to provide a good advice how a good photo should look like but here is what it means to me in SFI..

I do not care if you wear an expensive suit...that does not mean much to me here.
Looking into a camera would be nice...
You do not have to smile ecstatically...I am not going to trust you more because of it.
On the other side even if you look serious...again I am not going to trust you more because of it.

Along with your

Is SFI good for students (18 or older)? Why or why not?

4384 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 4/16/2014 7:20 am

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Why it is good:
1. Long term investment for future
2. Residual income to support them in their studies
3. They have available a vast pool of resources here in SFI which can help them, especially if they study business or management.
4. That age category is quite handy with computers so they would progress easily
5. They are networking easily so they have better chances to build their teams

What could not be good:
1. SFI requires time and commitment which can

How often should I communicate with my Sponsor and Co-Sponsor?

4350 votes

Goran Stokic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) 2/1/2014 11:54 am

Affiliate since: 09/17/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Dear Abraham
Speaking as a sponsor myself I would be more than happy to get contacted by my PSAs and CSAs every time they need it every day or once per week.

Sometimes I am being asked something what could have been read or what I told them to read. That is OK when you have new affiliates and they still do not know how to navigate and find things on SFI pages.

Also I appreciate if PSA/CSA is asking for clarification of something he/she has read and did not understand.
