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Is it a good idea to reassign your PSAs to someone in their own country?

4152 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 2/3/2014 3:34 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999


What do I need to do to make myself the best SFI affiliate possible?

4149 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 2/3/2014 3:44 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Manju,

All I can say is this:

If you log in everyday, do your To-Do list, daily tasks, weekly tasks, monthly tasks, you can't go far wrong?!!

You need to be like an open book, people in your Team need to be able to see what you have done & what you are doing!!

Communication is one of the keys you need to open the door to success!
When we talk to each other, we learn more from someone who has done it & got the t-shirt!
Make sure you

When I am fully self-employed with SFI, and someone asks what I do for a living, what do I tell them?

4116 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 2/3/2014 3:53 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Estrado,

Good question!
When I become more successful with SFI, and someone asks me what I do for a living I will tell them that I work very part-time for one of the Worlds Best online marketing Affiliate site's the World has to offer!

I will tell them how much money I earn every month, what the benefits are of Joining.
This is something you need to work at, at first it gets easier as you spend more time here!

I will tell them how much I Love spending

What are some ways to make my advertising more effective?

3830 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 7/30/2013 12:33 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999


Advertising is an important part of the lead generation.
Some marketers suggest that you can do without the cost and low returns they attribute to advertising, but done right, advertising is a tremendous tool.

Lower your expectations!
you should probably be realistic about what an ad can do. If you are running a small online ad it might be unrealistic to believe you can get a multi-thousand dollar return?

Your ads should be able to move people

Besides the requirement to qualify, what is expected of me in becoming a team leader?

3794 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 12/28/2013 10:33 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello all,

Think the best way to approach being a Team Leader is by leading by example, When I started my first month I reached Silver Team Leader.

I wouldn't advise people to do this, instead I would advise them just to qualify as EA the first month, Anyway getting back to the question in hand!

As Team Leader, you will be best serving your Team of Affiliates as Teacher, mentor, friend, to this end always be on hand for advice & help.

Do everything

What should I do when I receive inactive CSAs?

3693 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 12/21/2013 10:24 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Keith,

I have a few hundred CSA's that are inactive, I find the best way to get them active is not to pressure them into coming back to SFI, but to Praise the efforts of My Team of PSA's & CSA's, if the achieve another badge or Status I will Congratulate them in a Team Mail I send to Everyone in My Team.

I live in hope that it will spark something in the inactive to become Active!
If you invest Time and money into Your Business the Rewards Will follow You.


Should I buy PSAs or learn how to sponsor them myself?

3671 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 1/23/2014 2:59 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Bosa,

Personally I have decided to purchase 25 PSA's every other month, this way I can build my Team while I learn everything I need to recruit my own PSA's!

I have purchased 75 PSA's so far in my time at SFI, only 3 PSA's have shown any potential in their Business, with one of them qualifying each month as EA or above each month!

As I qualify for BTL each month I have earned CSA's, I have Affiliates 4 levels deep, with about 560 PSA's & CSA's, with

What are the best SFI marketing tools to use with young persons who may be unemployed or under-employed?

3626 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 8/12/2013 2:36 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I think the best thing you can do with the younger people, who don't have much money is to get them to EA the first month, while it is easy, the second month is a little harder, I think you need to give them some kind of incentive to work a little harder to get EA from the second month onwards.

It could be for every 500 VP's they make they get an amount of TCredits from you?
Or if your doing well with your Sponsoring you could even offer to transfer a couple of your

What's the secret for easily qualifying for the rank of Team Leader each month?

3609 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 1/23/2014 5:48 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Abdul,

By far the easiest way to qualify as Team Leader each month is by first setting up a Standing Order, to qualify as EA, then to make purchases from TripleClicks, ECA and TC.
This along with recruiting more Affiliates that you can personally Sponsor into SFI and show them how to do what we are already doing!

Remember if you have one Affiliate in your Team who qualifies as Executive Affiliate you earn 100 Action VP's, so with your monthly action VP's you make

What do I need to do to become a successful ECA?

3583 votes

David Morton, Aff (United Kingdom) 7/30/2013 1:02 pm

Affiliate since: 06/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I think to become successful with ECA or SFI, you need to know the basics!
Start with reading up about the ECA program, you can find this in the Marketing drop down tab on the black bar.

Also if you go to the Training tab on the black drop down bar again you can read the ECA Strategies and the ECA FAQ's.

I recommend you go to the Reference Tab again on the black bar, go take a look at your ECA Report, where you can connect with other ECA's, there is also