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How do I get my a2a friends to offer positive support and assistance?

4609 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/1/2013 11:59 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You will initially establish a cordial relationship with your a2a friends, before seeking any support or advice. See whether your a2a friend is generous enough to offer any sort of assistance. Some a2a friends may be open to share their views or experiences with you. Others may offer lip sympathy, but may be reluctant to give you any positive support.

Once a proper relationship is established and once you have identified your a2a friends who would be helpful, you can seek advice or support

How do you get your affiliates engaged and conversing regularly with you?

4607 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/1/2013 10:34 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a difficult proposition.

Initially, I do send them a welcome letter, give them guidance as to how they can proceed and progress at SFI. I also ask them to respond by just acknowledging the receipt of my message. Most do not respond at all.

My weekly messages receive no response at all. At least, this is my experience so far.

I can do my best to engage my affiliates in order to encourage them to communicate with me on a regular basis. But it is like attempting

How do you explain to prospects what SFI is about in a simple way?

4362 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/2/2013 5:43 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
A good question, for the information overload at SFI so overwhelms the new-comers that they are easily confused. Most of these get drowned in the flood of information.

One should be able to make this information long enough to cover the essentials, but short enough to retain the prospect's interest.

What are the essentials, you might ask. The earning potential is an essential feature. For this, SFI's compensation plan must be mentioned. Prospects must know that the best way

How would it benefit me to transfer TCredits to my PSAs or CSAs?

3926 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 10/22/2013 10:03 pm

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
If you wish to be an awesome sponsor, one of the things you have to do is to support your PSAs/CSAs to the best of your ability.

New affiliates need your support in the form of encouragement, advice and explanation of the various strategies they have to adopt in order to prosper in this business. While most of them may not even care to log in everyday, there could be some who continue to follow your advice and keep accumulating VP day after day. Out of these, a small percentage of affiliates

What do you tell prospects who say they aren't interested in SFI because they don't know very many people?

3777 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 10/24/2013 2:39 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I think I would tell them that not knowing very many people is NOT a constraint to join SFI. In actual fact, not knowing many people may work to their advantage.

Even if they know many people, what is the guarantee that those people would be interested in SFI? Their warm market may turn a cold-shoulder to their proposal about SFI. I tell them that they would be saved from a lot of discouragement emanating from their friends, family, acquaintances and others that they assume they know.


There is a lot of fraud on the Internet. How do we convince skeptical prospects that SFI is legit and real?

3668 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 1/5/2014 5:39 pm

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
A very good question.

It is not at all easy to convince skeptical prospects about the genuineness of SFI, especially when they themselves have fallen prey to the fraud on the internet.

However, it is not impossible, if you adopt the right approach. If you are aggressive in your approach, you may find that your efforts are only increasing the suspicions of the prospects, and may prove counter-productive.

"Show, don't tell" seems to me to be the best way.

How do you set proper goals for yourself in SFI?

2952 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 10/10/2013 4:31 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Goals are like milestones on a road that leads to your destination, which itself is your lifetime goal ( or, as they say, the big picture).

'Proper' goals are those that are realistic, achievable and for achieving which you have some plan, some worksheet, that guides you step by step towards them.

SFI has done most of the job for you in order to help you set your goals on the proven path of success.

It could have set the goal for you and made your job easy and effortless

How do you handle being rejected over and over again when presenting the SFI opportunity to others?

2831 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 10/10/2013 7:52 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
It is natural for people to feel bad when they face rejection. In the marketing field, the frequency with which one receives a "NO" is much higher than in other areas of life.

Network marketeers must have experienced receiving more than 95 negative responses out of 100 attempts. But this is normal, it must be noted.

Inexperienced marketeers presenting the SFI opportunity to strangers usually get disheartened after a few vain attempts. So much so they might give up